NEWS: Tech Startup Develops 'Anti-Emoji Keyboard' for People Who Prefer Plain Text ⌨️
Tired of emojis cluttering your messages? Introducing "Plain Text Only" keyboard by startup Plain Text Warriors. Say goodbye to confusion and embrace clear communication. In beta, this keyboard is loved by plain text enthusiasts worldwide.
If you're looking for a way to communicate clearly and effectively, then you need to try the Plain Text Only keyboard!
#plaintextonly #clearcommunication #tech #2000s
.@rustoleumlove I’m genuinely sorry. I hate when I miscommunicate. I’m actively working on saying things concisely, correctly, while juggling life (trying to have one).
Engaging in life (communication , relationships) is exhausting yet necessary, no balance to be found so far. #disability #chronicfatigue #clearcommunication
#clearcommunication #chronicfatigue #disability
I see a lot of work writing that seems like it’s just been written to fill a page, to tick a box. Not all of it comes from generative AI, though it might sound that way. Still, easy though it is to criticize, when we’re faced with “doing a document”, we can all freeze or come out with robotic pseud-speak. Here, some thoughts on how not to. #WritingTips #writingtomarket #ClearCommunication
#writingtips #writingtomarket #clearcommunication
New blogpost:
3 types of activities clear-communication specialists do
After looking at the ‘ingredients’ of #ClearCommunication (a.k.a. #ClearWriting, modern #PlainLanguage), this time I focused on what clear-comm. specialists do:
- transforming documents
- transforming how ppl and orgs write
- building the profession
Putting these thoughts in writing is such a great way to clarify my ideas! Tough work, but worthwhile.
Let me know what you think!
#clearcommunication #ClearWriting #plainlanguage
As an autistic person, I have a tendency to take things literally. It can be hilarious (and sometimes frustrating) when people use idioms or figurative language and I don't get the joke. #autism #literalthinking #figurativelanguage But hey, at least I'm never confused about what you really mean! #clearcommunication #nofuzzymeaning
#nofuzzymeaning #clearcommunication #figurativelanguage #literalthinking #autism