Memory_Lane | #International_Tech_News |
#Why #Big_Tech #Deplatforming Should Be #Deeply_Disturbing..
The #Problem, as #clearly_stated by #Bruno_Le_Maire, the #French_Minister of #Economy, is that when it comes to Big Tech???
“The #regulation of the digital world cannot be done by the #digital_oligarchy.” Updated Feb. 22, 2021
Unfortunately, the tech giants have increasingly captured the #regulators and #politicians who are supposed to be representing the best #INTERESTS_OF_THE_PEOPLE??
#Absent ANY #Regulation, #Facebook to launch a new cryptocurrency, #Google moving into #wearable_smart_devices, #Apple taking_on #health_care, and #Amazon is attempting to #wring_dollars out of the last few #brick_and_mortar_shops..
Any #competitor standing in their way faces getting #bought_out, #deplatformed, or #chased_out of the #market by #PREDATORY #pricing.
This #CORRUPTION is Present on Both Sides of the #Political Spectrum. #Renata_Hesse, is a former lawyer who has advised Google and #Amazon and whose #husbands_firm still #works for #Google.
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #why #big_tech #Deplatforming #Deeply_Disturbing #problem #clearly_stated #Bruno_Le_Maire #French_Minister #economy #regulation #digital_oligarchy #regulators #politicians #INTERESTS_OF_THE_PEOPLE #Absent #facebook #google #wearable_smart_devices #Apple #health_care #Amazon #wring_dollars #brick_and_mortar_shops #competitor #bought_out #deplatformed #chased_out #market #PREDATORY #pricing #corruption #Political #Renata_Hesse #husbands_firm #works