Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
700 followers · 2753 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and 11 of its international data protection and privacy counterparts have released a joint statement to address the issue of data scraping on social media platforms and other publicly accessible sites.

Data scraping technologies, which are being increasingly used to collect and process vast amounts of individuals’ personal information from the internet, raise significant privacy concerns as these technologies can be exploited for purposes including monetisation through reselling data to third-party websites, including to malicious actors, private analysis or intelligence gathering.

In recent years, the OAIC has seen increased reports of mass data scraping from social media applications and other websites that host publicly accessible personal information. This type of activity was evidenced in a joint investigation by the OAIC and the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office into the personal information handling practices of Clearview AI, Inc. Following the joint investigation, Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner made a determination finding that Clearview AI, Inc. had breached Australians’ privacy."


#socialmedia #datascraping #privacy #dataprotection #clearview #facialrecognition

Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
666 followers · 2599 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "The Baker investigation provides a rare insight into how HSI is using facial recognition tools like Clearview AI to quickly chase down new child exploitation leads. But HSI is also using this type of technology in an unprecedented three-week operation to solve years-old crimes that’s led to hundreds of identifications of children and abusers, according to Jim Cole, who spent over two decades on fighting crimes against minors for the HSI and who pushed the initiative before retiring earlier this year. Cole told Forbes the previously unreported task force started operating out of the HSI Cyber Crime Center in mid-July and ended on August 4.

Jim Cole, former HSI child exploitation investigator
“No single effort like this has resulted in that amount of identifications in such a short period of time,” Cole told Forbes. “The tech used can assimilate the data and put that puzzle together. Before, we didn’t have the pieces.”

HSI declined to confirm or comment on the operations’ existence.

Cole declined to name the tools that were used, but sources with knowledge of the operation told Forbes one of them was the controversial facial recognition technology created by Clearview AI. The New York City–based startup claims to have amassed a database of more than 30 billion images scraped without permission from places such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. HSI has signed multiple contracts with Clearview worth up to $2 million, and Clearview has previously said its tech was used by HSI to investigate child exploitation."


#dhs #facialrecognition #clearview #surveillance #biometrics

Last updated 1 year ago

Jörg Honegger :swisssocial: · @j_honegger
130 followers · 1666 posts · Server swiss.social

Die österreichische hat entschieden: , das Unternehmen, das an in den USA verkauft, darf nicht länger biometrische Daten des Beschwerdeführers verarbeiten und muss ihre bestehenden Daten löschen. Die Entscheidung folgt ähnlichen Beschlüssen in Italien, England, Frankreich und Griechenland, allerdings wurde keine Geldstrafe verhängt.


#datenschutzbehorde #clearview #ai #gesichtserkennungssoftware #strafverfolgungsbehorden

Last updated 1 year ago

Ton Zijlstra · @ton
677 followers · 53 posts · Server m.tzyl.eu

@cubicgarden circling back to your 2020 request to just came across this noyb.eu/en/clearview-ai-data-u That's the fifth country deeming Clearview's mo illegal wrt GDPR.

#gdpr #clearview

Last updated 1 year ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1626 followers · 2556 posts · Server todon.eu

used nearly 1m times by US police

"Facial recognition firm Clearview has run nearly a million searches for US police, its founder has told the BBC.
Clearview's system allows a law enforcement customer to upload a photo of a face and find matches in a database of billions of images it has collected.
It then provides links to where matching images appear online. It is considered one of the most powerful and accurate facial recognition companies in the world."


#clearview #ai #surveillance #faceid #Uberwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport #ReclaimYourFace

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1626 followers · 2556 posts · Server todon.eu

used nearly 1m times by US police

"Facial recognition firm Clearview has run nearly a million searches for US police, its founder has told the BBC.
Clearview's system allows a law enforcement customer to upload a photo of a face and find matches in a database of billions of images it has collected.
It then provides links to where matching images appear online. It is considered one of the most powerful and accurate facial recognition companies in the world."


#clearview #ai #surveillance #faceid #Uberwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport #ReclaimYourFace

Last updated 2 years ago

Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
463 followers · 903 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

Tutti siamo su Clear AI. Soprattutto le persone che pubblicano foto sui social network

La di riconoscimento facciale ha raccolto quasi 30 miliardi di foto dai , riporta la , citando Hoan Ton-That, fondatore e CEO dell’azienda.

Inoltre, il ha elaborato circa un milione di query di ricerca per i servizi di polizia statunitensi. La rileva che i proprietari delle foto non hanno acconsentito al loro utilizzo nel .


#startup #clearview #ai #socialmedia #bbc #sistema #pubblicazione #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1499 followers · 2309 posts · Server todon.eu

used nearly 1m times by US police

"Critics argue that the police's use of Clearview puts everyone into a "perpetual police line-up".
"Whenever they have a photo of a suspect, they will compare it to your face," says Matthew Guariglia from the @eff says. "It's far too invasive.""


#clearview #ai #surveillance #faceid #Uberwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport #ReclaimYourFace

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1499 followers · 2309 posts · Server todon.eu

used nearly 1m times by US police

"Critics argue that the police's use of Clearview puts everyone into a "perpetual police line-up".
"Whenever they have a photo of a suspect, they will compare it to your face," says Matthew Guariglia from the @eff says. "It's far too invasive.""

#clearview #ai #surveillance #faceid #Uberwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport #ReclaimYourFace

Last updated 2 years ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1499 followers · 2310 posts · Server todon.eu

used nearly 1m times by US police

"Critics argue that the police's use of Clearview puts everyone into a "perpetual police line-up".

"Whenever they have a photo of a suspect, they will compare it to your face," says Matthew Guariglia from the @eff says. "It's far too invasive.""


#clearview #ai #surveillance #faceid #Uberwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport #ReclaimYourFace

Last updated 2 years ago

Die_Primel · @Die_Primel
396 followers · 11859 posts · Server det.social

RT @CarissaVeliz
firm has run nearly a million searches for US .

It has 30bn images scraped online without users' permission.

Clearview has been fined millions of dollars for breaches of , but clearly, that's not enough.


#facialrecognition #clearview #police #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
346 followers · 1040 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "A controversial facial recognition database, used by police departments across the nation, was built in part with 30 billion photos the company scraped from Facebook and other social media users without their permission, the company's CEO recently admitted, creating what critics called a "perpetual police line-up," even for people who haven't done anything wrong.

The company, Clearview AI, boasts of its potential for identifying rioters at the January 6 attack on the Capitol, saving children being abused or exploited, and helping exonerate people wrongfully accused of crimes. But critics point to privacy violations and wrongful arrests fueled by faulty identifications made by facial recognition, including cases in Detroit and New Orleans, as cause for concern over the technology.

Clearview took photos without users' knowledge, its CEO Hoan Ton-That acknowledged in an interview last month with the BBC. Doing so allowed for the rapid expansion of the company's massive database, which is marketed on its website to law enforcement as a tool "to bring justice to victims.""

#clearview #biometrics #facialrecognition #dataprotection

Last updated 2 years ago

AdreanaLangston · @AdreanaInLB
38 followers · 357 posts · Server twit.social
Luca75s 🥕 · @schroembgens
102 followers · 8 posts · Server mastodon.uno
CK's Technology News · @CKsTechNews
1340 followers · 6205 posts · Server cktn.todon.de

AI scraped 30 billion images from Facebook and gave them to cops: it puts everyone into a 'perpetual police line-up'



Last updated 2 years ago

Gioyosemite :mac: · @gioyosemite
39 followers · 804 posts · Server mastodon.uno
Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1428 followers · 2170 posts · Server todon.eu

used nearly 1m times by US police, it tells the BBC

"CEO Hoan Ton-That also revealed Clearview now has 30bn images scraped from platforms such as taken without users' permissions.
The company has been repeatedly fined millions of dollars in and for breaches of privacy.
Critics argue that the police's use of Clearview puts everyone into a "perpetual police line-up".
"Whenever they have a photo of a suspect, they will compare it to your face," says Matthew Guariglia from the @eff says. "It's far too invasive.""


#clearview #ai #facebook #europe #australia #surveillance #faceid #Uberwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago

· @CCC
16010 followers · 2108 posts · Server social.bau-ha.us

Facial recognition: used nearly 1 million times by US police. It now has 30 billion images scraped from platforms such as Facebook, taken without users' permissions bbc.com/news/technology-650570

#clearview #ReclaimYourFace

Last updated 2 years ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
332 followers · 888 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "Facial recognition firm Clearview has run nearly a million searches for US police, its founder has told the BBC

CEO Hoan Ton-That also revealed Clearview now has 30bn images scraped from platforms such as Facebook, taken without users' permissions.

The company has been repeatedly fined millions of dollars in Europe and Australia for breaches of privacy.

Critics argue that the police's use of Clearview puts everyone into a "perpetual police line-up"."


#usa #clearview #surveillance #facialrecognition

Last updated 2 years ago

Axel Kistner · @axel
13 followers · 222 posts · Server det.social

Welcome to that has been used used nearly 1m times by US police.


#clearview #ai

Last updated 2 years ago