This reddish brown #ClearwingHummingbirdMoth, #Hemaris, entertained me for quite some time as it flitted from one purple/pink bloom to another of the Butterfly Bush, Buddleia. It comes by its name honestly as it hovers, hums and nectars just like the Hummingbird and it loves the same flowers.
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#Moth #insect #HummingbirdMoth #SphinxMoth #animal #nature #NatureLover #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #flowers #garden #photography #MastoArt #art
#clearwinghummingbirdmoth #hemaris #moth #insect #hummingbirdmoth #sphinxmoth #animal #nature #naturelover #BuyIntoArt #springintoart #photographyisart #flowers #garden #photography #mastoart #art
This reddish brown #ClearwingHummingbirdMoth, #Hemaris, entertained me for quite some time as it flitted from one pink bloom to another of the Butterfly Bush, #Buddleia. It comes by its name honestly as it hovers, hums and nectars just like the Hummingbird and it loves the same flowers.
See it here
#moth #insect #nature #NatureLover #animal #HummingbirdMoth #SphinxMoth #ButterflyBush #flowers #wings #ArtMatters #AYearForArt #BuyArtNotCandy #valentinesday #wildlife #art
#clearwinghummingbirdmoth #hemaris #buddleia #moth #insect #nature #naturelover #animal #hummingbirdmoth #sphinxmoth #butterflybush #flowers #wings #artmatters #ayearforart #buyartnotcandy #valentinesday #wildlife #art