Earlier Infant Cleft Palate Repairs Pay Off The %age of cleft palate kids who had nearly normal speech in kindergarten was ~40% higher when their palates were repaired at 6 months rather than 12 months of age. #cleftpalate #velopharyngealinsufficiency #babbling #infancy #nejm https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw8S-PwR4es/
#cleftpalate #velopharyngealinsufficiency #babbling #infancy #nejm
Call me an #SSD #CSSD nerd, call me predictable, but here's a group about @speechsounddisorder
1. Follow it to get all the group posts.
2. Tag it in YOUR toots/posts to share with the group.
@slp_slt @slpfedi @speechsounddisorder
@TellLab @Hstorkel @tricmc @speechieLO @eddychwong @Thespeechiebear @SusanEbbels @paulsutcliffe @Joy_intl @slp @sarabenham @robertpwells @MicahEHirsch@fediscience.or @becsutherland
#Apraxia #Multilingual #dysarthria #CleftPalate #PML #SLP_SLT @wespeechies
#ssd #CSSD #Apraxia #multilingual #dysarthria #cleftpalate #pml #SLP_SLT
Speech Intervention for Children With Cleft Palate Using Principles of Motor Learning (#PML)
This Phase I study shows that articulatory kinematic speech intervention that applies the PML is effective in improving the speech outcomes for children with #CleftPalate and that there is validity in pursuing further research into this approach.