Donald Roy · @djr
148 followers · 2976 posts · Server

latest - breaking news

has announced a further £ 50 million for the scrappage scheme. This will be funded from reserves - equivalent to finding loose change at the back of the sofa! Effectively the scheme will no longer be means tested - which should save a bit on administration and takes his approach closer to those of and - both well known ultra-leftists! .

#ulezextension #sadiqkhan #clementattlee #williambeveridge

Last updated 1 year ago

Geri ™ · @Geri
667 followers · 3088 posts · Server


My favourite:

"When we are returned to power we want to put in the statute book an act which will make our people citizens of the world before they are citizens of this country.."

#clementattlee #happyattleeday

Last updated 2 years ago

JuneSim63 · @junesim63
536 followers · 1972 posts · Server

in 1883, Clement Attlee was born. He had the quiet vision to institute massive postwar changes in the , including our .

His socialist reforms were opposed by the Tory opposition & the current Tory govt continues this by wrecking our health system in order to revert it to prewar privatised status.

My favourite Attlee quote:

"Charity is a cold, grey, loveless thing. If a man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim".

#clementattlee #nhs #UK #otd

Last updated 2 years ago