The Battle of Actium occurred on this day in 31 B.C. The forces of Octavian defeated the forces of Marc Antony and Cleopatra.
How close can you get to finding the location of this battle?
#history #histodons @histodons #Quiz #geography #Cleopatra
#cleopatra #geography #quiz #histodons #History
2 de Septiembre de 31 a.e.c. la flota de Augusto derrota a las naves de Marco Antonio y su aliada Cleopatra VII de Egipto en la Batalla de Actium, teniendo que refugiarse en Alejandría durante la Cuarta Guerra Civil de la República de Roma. #efemérides #roma #egypt #egipto #august #augusto #octavio #cleopatra #marcoantonio #civilwar #war #actium #history #historia
#historia #history #actium #war #civilwar #marcoantonio #cleopatra #octavio #augusto #august #egipto #egypt #Roma #efemerides
"For the Right Price, Guests at a Luxury Retreat in Egypt Can Help Archaeologists Dig for #Cleopatra’s Long-Lost Tomb"
Illustrated with a picture of the #Luxor temple: separated from Cleopatra and Alexandria by 1400 years and 500 miles. Well done, ArtNet ;-)
#Bales2023FilmChallenge August 26: a movie that goes the extra mile for #NationalSparkTheWorldDay
Like Rome, #Cleopatra (1963) wasn't built in a day. #JosephLMankiewicz's epic studio breaker took six years to make and, despite it being the highest-grossing film of 1963, didn't break even until 1973. Was it a #flop? A classic flop but a flop nevertheless? 𓃦
#ElizabethTaylor #RichardBurton #RexHarrison #film #cinema #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationalsparktheworldday #cleopatra #josephlmankiewicz #flop #elizabethtaylor #richardburton #rexharrison #film #cinema #cinemastodon
🪷 On 23 Aug 30 BC #Octavian killed #Caesarion, 17-year-old son of #Cleopatra and #JuliusCaesar. Or did he escape? He lives on in the movies, memorably reincarnated on the big screen by #MarkDamon. #FilmTip Watch the exciting trailer: 🪷
#octavian #caesarion #cleopatra #juliuscaesar #markdamon #filmtip
"Als de neus van #Cleopatra korter was geweest, zou het aanschijn der aarde daardoor geheel veranderd zijn."
🪷 The #Antinous Capitoline statue upstages all the Hollywood stars in Cecil B. #DeMille's epic movie #Cleopatra, starring #ClaudetteColbert, which premiered 16 Aug 1934. More images here: 🪷
#antinous #demille #cleopatra #claudettecolbert
🪷 The #Antinous Capitoline statue upstages all the Hollywood stars in Cecil B. #DeMille's epic movie #Cleopatra, starring #ClaudetteColbert, which premiered 16 Aug 1934. More images here: 🪷
#antinous #demille #cleopatra #claudettecolbert
🪷 The #Antinous Capitoline statue upstages all the Hollywood stars in Cecil B. #DeMille's epic movie #Cleopatra, starring #ClaudetteColbert, which premiered 16 Aug 1934. More images here: 🪷
#antinous #demille #cleopatra #claudettecolbert
#OnThisDay, August 12, 30 BC, Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, took her life following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future first emperor of Rome (depicted in Cleopatra, 1963)
#TodayInHistory #Movies #Film #ClassicFilm #Cleopatra #Histodons @histodons
#onthisday #todayinhistory #movies #film #classicfilm #cleopatra #histodons
12 de Agosto del 30 a.e.c. en compañía de sus sirvientas, Cleopatra VII, se quita la vida ante el temor de ser trasladada a Roma junto a sus hijos y ser exhibidos como un trofeo por Octavio Augusto. #efemérides #egypt #roma #octavioaugusto #cleopatra #history #historia
#historia #history #cleopatra #octavioaugusto #Roma #egypt #efemerides
🪷 On 12 August 30 BC #Cleopatra VII last queen of Egypt kills herself after the suicide of Antony. It was said she killed herself by means of an asp concealed in a basket of figs. She was succeeded by her teenage son Caesarion, who was declared pharaoh by his supporters. But #Caesarion soon fled into exile or else he was killed on Octavian's orders.🪷
1 de Agosto del 30 a.e.c. tras ser abandonado por casi todos sus hombres y ante los rumores de la muerte de Cleopatra, el triunviro, Marco Antonio se quita la vida clavándose su propia espada. #efemérides #roma #cleopatra #marcoantonio #egypt #history #historia
#historia #history #egypt #marcoantonio #cleopatra #Roma #efemerides
🪷 On 31 July 30 BC the final battles commenced that would lead to the suicides of #MarkAntony and #Cleopatra. Who is your favorite #MarcusAntonius actor? #MarlonBrando as #MarcAnthony? #SidJames? #RichardBurton? #JamesPurefoy? 🪷
#markantony #cleopatra #marcusantonius #marlonbrando #MarcAnthony #sidjames #richardburton #jamespurefoy
@OnceUponAGoblin @apazanselmo @nelsonavatar @snowgaze
This should be fun :)
#pharaohgame (and its expansion #cleopatra )
#tearsofthekingdom (because I haven't finished)
Also, does playing candy crush count?😁
#tombraider #simcity #tearsofthekingdom #breathofthewild #AgeofMythology #cleopatra #pharaohgame #ocarinaoftime #civilization #theminishcap #alinkbetweenworlds #alinktothepast #godofwar #thelastofus
Good question! #cleopatra #egypt #greece #italy #rome #roma #ancienthistory #history #hollywood #classics #academicmastodon
#cleopatra #egypt #greece #italy #rome #roma #ancienthistory #history #hollywood #classics #academicmastodon
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#domina #ladies_de #bdsm #weinheim #Bizarrlady #cleopatra #sex