@bubbline Since we live in a #Cleptocracy I don't expect any regulation whatsoever.
Personally, I'd rather expect people to learn to #SelfHost and block all the #GAFAM's entire ASes as an act of self- and mutual defense than any regulation to happen.
Espechally since Governments AROUND THE GLOBE love that #SurveillanceState shit and outsorcing #Stasi 4.0 was the biggest grift ever...
#stasi #surveillancestate #gafam #selfhost #cleptocracy
@rbreich how is someone like that not immediately suspended until investigations concluded???
This makes the #USA look like a #Cleptocracy...
@privateger because the #USA is a #cleptocracy and being a #GAFAM buys a lot of #Lobbyists....
#lobbyists #gafam #cleptocracy #USA
@taniel if they can sway enough big donors in that #cleptocracy...
@maerlynofmiria So basically it's a #Cleptocracy...
@JessTheUnstill Money, what else?
#Politricks in the #USA is so paywalled that it's basiclaly not a #Democracy but #Cleptocracy and noone in #Politics can candidate without appeasing to masses of rich donors.
#BigDonors are why #Biden and not #Sanders is #POTUS, not their platforms!
#potus #sanders #Biden #bigdonors #Politics #cleptocracy #Democracy #USA #politricks
@gcblasing *nodds in agreement*
If we allow #PrivateProfits, we must also allow #PrivateFailure.
If we only #privatize #prifit but only #socialize #losses, then we turn the system into a #cleptocracy.
Noone should be allowed to become #TooBigToFail and espechally #TooBigToJail per bery concept.
#tooBigToJail #toobigtofail #cleptocracy #losses #socialize #prifit #privatize #privatefailure #privateprofits
@rbreich #Money turns every #Democracy into a #Cleptocracy via #Oligarchy...
#oligarchy #cleptocracy #Democracy #Money
@astrid it won't because there's too much money on the line and in a #cleptocracy like the #USA where one can't be politically successful without accepting #bribes, the #ForProfitPrison-based industry is a big donor.
#forprofitprison #bribes #USA #cleptocracy
@gdeihl @staidwinnow @ConserveChange in the end, everyone's a pawn in the #cleptocracy, except the big donors...
@TruthSandwich @Klowner @eniko @altice@marrow.haus we both know that's bs.
Or to put it in better words:
You should vote the lesser evil but that doesn't mean you should lick the boots clean.
That being said we all know that the #cleptocracy is unfixable and as long as being a facist isn't a felony nor prosecuted, shit won't change.
@aral you spelled "facist #cleptocracy" wrong...
@aljazeera Evidence shows that high regulation fosters corruption: https://blogs.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/do-more-rules-lead-more-corruption-evidence-using-firm-level-survey-data-developing
TL:DR: Many folks who might consider payoffs bad reconsider when the payoff gets them through the red tape that would cost more time and money. (aside: I would completely avoid a #cleptocracy like #putin 's)
In watching this #aljazeera series, this "rule" seems corollary, where the sanctions against #zimbabwe acts like red-tape/regulation that drives these folks to normalize corruption.
#cleptocracy #putin #aljazeera #zimbabwe
@lari @aral @serge @EU_Commission @FRA @edri the main issue is that the #EU turns itself into a dystopian #cleptocracy in the form of a #SurveillanceState with #LateStageCapitalism...
And that is the problem:
#Corruption is also legal in the EU!
Otherwise #reactionary #cyberfacists like #Zensursula #VonDerLeyen would not even be allowed into office.
And this shit eats up the EU from the inside...
#vonderleyen #zensursula #cyberfacists #reactionary #Corruption #latestagecapitalism #surveillancestate #cleptocracy #EU
@NireBryce but it's more destructive and less productive.
Also it's testiment to #cleptocracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig
@DaemonFC The #cleptocracy of the #USA is a systemic problem - yes.
Still, #Putin is obviously trying to claim he's a victim when he's the unquestionable aggressor from the very beginning.
Thus one should never agree with him on anything!
Ik heb maar 1 antwoord
Which will never happen in this #cleptocracy
#cleptocracy #taxestaxestaxes #limitarisme
The #wef2023 says it wants to go beyond 'short-termisms'
What about
The biggest risk is #cleptocracy #cleoptomaniacs
It's not #rocketscience
Is Rutger invited this time ?
#rocketscience #cleoptomaniacs #cleptocracy #davos2019 #taxestaxestaxes #wef2023