Day 4, cleromancy & augury. Kinda half-assed, today i spent more time cleaning than arting.
#FOTD22 #cleromancy #augury #fortunetelling #readingtealeaves #octoberartprompts
#octoberartprompts #readingtealeaves #fortunetelling #Augury #cleromancy #FOTD22
I did pick up my first copy of the #IChing. I don't understand the #history and largely the significance much, I'm looking forward to reading the included forward and explanation and diving down a few #wiki holes for sources to follow up with.
#YinJing #divination #cleromancy
#cleromancy #Divination #YinJing #wiki #history #IChing
Ooh, making #Sortition ceremonial means you can call it #cleromancy 🔮