Lukas Nystrand von Unge · @lukiss
60 followers · 288 posts · Server

Abuse of , ,

#supercollider #techno #clicks

Last updated 1 year ago

· @sheislaurence
198 followers · 786 posts · Server

Dear @feditips dear instance admin @JohanEmpa, dear explainers of the , can someone explain to me how the section is made up? I don't assume it's handcrafted by clicking buttons all day long, but there's a shared ? Is it based on , based on what, number of any ? ? ? How often is it refreshed? Looks like daily to me on Please share code!

#fediverse #explore #instanceadmins #algorithm #popularity #interactions #clicks #comments

Last updated 1 year ago

David Brennan · @magnatom
678 followers · 472 posts · Server

Who could have predicted back at the start of the age that a world where instant information was available to a large proportion of the world's population would lead to a world where seems to dominate. Who knew that the dominating force would be ...đŸ˜©â˜čïžđŸ˜ą

#Internet #misinformation #clicks

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew · @andrew
87 followers · 347 posts · Server

@lowqualityfacts Hey. Before I start my rant, I want to apologize to you for being the recipient. You’re not the only one here who thinks should work for free, even if they need to eat and pay rent. So, nothing personal! But still, I get tired of the self-righteous attitude here that suggests twist facts for (most don’t give a shit) or that differing viewpoints always come from ulterior motives. Please be less simplistic. It’s not a good look.

#journalists #reporters #clicks

Last updated 1 year ago

Eldan Goldenberg · @eldang
100 followers · 120 posts · Server

I appreciated @seabikeblog 's discussion of the US bike-friendly cities ranking for actually drawing some illuminating things out of one of those weird ranking circuses, instead of just lazily reposting some for the .

And as someone who does GIS bird's eye analyses for a living, I couldn't agree more with "there are always going to be big differences between a GIS, bird’s eye analysis of a place and the actual experience on the ground."

#cheap #content #clicks

Last updated 1 year ago

TheCityDweller :verified_gay: · @toor
104 followers · 702 posts · Server

@sixtus The will sadly do everything for . Ad clicks ad clicks ad clicks. They're addicted to it like drug addicts to the needle. The press enabled Trump. For clicks. The press enabled Bolsonaro. For clicks. They still publish daily their rubbish. For clicks.

They're completely fine to create a dictatorship if that brings them even more clicks clicks clicks.

They'd have done Hitler homestories in 1932 if ad clicks existed back then.

#press #clicks

Last updated 1 year ago

DMZ · @dmz
691 followers · 2790 posts · Server

Schweiz Bananastaat. Bei ĂŒber 60 1. Mai Veranstaltungen / Demos in der Schweiz, berichten Medien lediglich ĂŒber zwei (natĂŒrlich) verwerfliche Ausschreitungen am Rande der Demos. Worum es Medien nur noch geht, ist offensichtlich. ->

#skandale #clicks #einschaltquote #medienkrise

Last updated 2 years ago

Antonio · @angallo
67 followers · 685 posts · Server

Separating from is
now an everyday course.
Staying means wading through thousands of , ads, and op-eds, all driven by one . To be loud. To continuously catch your and keep it. But that's why we started #1440—A news source made for . Not

#fact #opinion #obstacle #informed #headlines #goal #attention #knowledge #clicks

Last updated 2 years ago

m3t00🌎 · @m3t00
13 followers · 1291 posts · Server

what's really abou ? post links are and they don't get blocked like elsewhere, , when someone them. Test in window

#know #cool #mastodon #public #fb #tw #clicks #incognito

Last updated 2 years ago

ParisWriters · @ParisWriters
108 followers · 209 posts · Server

Weird to see that publications that we used to think of as credible or decent will actively spread disinformation that will cause serious harm in order to maximize .

translates into

means controversy

and know exactly what they are doing when they spread disinformation about or in preventing

and are no excuse for undermining public safety


#medical #clicks #controversy #eyeballs #bothsidesism #journalists #editors #publishers #masks #ventilation #covid #money #profits #ire #nicar #icij

Last updated 2 years ago

Hey friends. Not that I bother but are there were any update in around 17-January? One of my site goes completely flat đŸ€”

#seo #bing #webmastertools #clicks #impressions

Last updated 2 years ago

Infosecsie · @myraccoonhands
1001 followers · 306 posts · Server

Something I’ve noticed when I’m on Facebook (which is really rare): Facebook likes to show videos just in the same format as TikTok. They’re usually shorter in length and most of the videos presented to me are craft videos, DIY, art projects, makeup tutorials, and some (but very few) tech videos.

A good portion of these aforementioned videos show a how-to process. And the strange thing is
 most of the results don’t look great.

A video of someone making a bench? It turns out really crooked. But the video doesn’t address that.

Someone doing a DIY make your own makeup brushes? The brushes apply unevenly and look really scrappy.

A tutorial on how to make a cake? The cake design is really “off” and fails to make sense but is presented as “professional.”

Someone doing a hair dye how-to? The color job is splotchy and uneven. You can clearly see the problems, despite it being performed by a “stylist.”

I don’t spend enough time on there to know, but this almost seems like the intention of the videos are for people to notice the poor quality of the results and feel the need to say something about it. I see them all as engagement bait.

I know that’s subjective, but these aren’t videos from independent people, they’re usually random pages that are shoved in my face that appear to be monetized. These pages push out handfuls of videos like these a day. This is literally what my feed is filled to the brim with.

“Content” has reached such an interesting junction to where the outcomes aren’t important and the clicks and views are the only measure. Independent creators sometimes see this “success” and try to mimic it which then floods the platform with even more videos that don’t really accomplish anything outside of compelling someone to comment.

That’s probably pretty obvious on one hand, but on the other, again, I’ve spent so much time away from certain platforms that seeing that just kind of makes me laugh a little.

A lot of videos have gone from more impactful to just being time wasters so a company on the backend can make money. It feels so empty.

#facebook #content #contentcreation #videos #advertisers #monetization #clicks #views

Last updated 2 years ago

Sicut_dico · @sicut_dico
32 followers · 57 posts · Server

When I post to my on I never get more than 10% of clicking on them. Never! Sometimes even less.

Yesterday I posted the link as usual but called it "Don't click on the link", and guess what?

10 out of 72 .. so..


Don't click on my links,
Don't this post,
there's absolutely NO on my website and there's or for you to read there!


#links #website #instagram #audience #clicks #views #boost #nudes #nothingimportant #interesting

Last updated 2 years ago

Cycl_ps · @blaqraven
22 followers · 25 posts · Server
Steve đŸ˜· · @Thompson
22 followers · 397 posts · Server
remotevoices · @remotevoices
497 followers · 2698 posts · Server

now playing "sinter", new release from arovane, on the french laaps label.

#bandcamp #atmospheric #ambient #clicks #electronic

Last updated 2 years ago

It is clear that is now 4chan since @elonmusk
took over.

& scientifically minded people will not stay on this platform, nor should they.

If only media people could kick their addiction too, Twitter would be dead already, instead of dragging it out for

The from rightwing culture warriors is always that they think they can coerce and into submission by owning their forums.

#Twitter #scientists #clicks #miscalculation #intellectuals

Last updated 2 years ago

Anja Reul · @eule_anja
158 followers · 4198 posts · Server

Es ist zum MĂ€usemelken: Jedes mal das Gleiche: von *innen generiert , & .
Die erhÀlt erst einmal die & wird als verlÀssliche Quelle eingestuft.
Die ganze Wahrheit bekommt spÀter deutl. weniger Raum.
Bei Rechtsextremen & in Moskau knallen die Sektkorken!

Wo bleibt die Entschuldigung?
Korrigierte Zahlen zeigen: Hotspot der Gewalt nicht in Neukölln

#silvesterkrawalle #neukolln #berlin #gewalt #migrant #auflage #einschaltquoten #clicks #polizei #nachrichtenhoheit

Last updated 2 years ago

Why SEO serious? · @whySEOserious
167 followers · 773 posts · Server

My , an ability so grand
Experience and E-A-T to lend a hand
To rank the highest where all can see
Increasing , an ever growing spree
Optimizations great, with strategy sublime
Your brand will shine throughout web time

#seo #clicks

Last updated 2 years ago

EleLucy · @EleLucy
15 followers · 93 posts · Server

Clicky gym

#gym #clicks

Last updated 2 years ago