El Ermitaño - Cap. 4
"...y la Tierra se convierte en mi trono
Me adapto a lo desconocido
Bajo estrellas fugaces he crecido
Por mi cuenta, pero no solo
No le pido a nadie
Y mis lazos están limpiamente cortados
Cuanto menos tengo, más gano
Fuera de los caminos recorridos yo reino
Trotamundos, errante
Nómada, vagabundo
Llámame como quieras
Pero me tomaré mi tiempo en cualquier lugar
Libre de decir lo que pienso en cualquier lugar
Y me redefiniré en cualquier lugar
Donde quiera que vaya
Donde reposa mi cabeza es mi hogar."
-James Hetfield
Ficción distópica que recorre la soledad, la locura, la política, la guerra, el sexo, el amor, las drogas, la música, la muerte y la vida. Una sátira antisistema buscando ser lo más incorrecta posible, con una guerra civil en el Perú como escenario de fondo.
ebook de lectura gratuita en Wattpad
#distopia #ficcion #guerra #guerracivil #peru #perú #wattpad #wattpadperú #escritoresperuanos #anarquia #anarquismo #libertario #satira #antisistema #metallica #jameshetfield #kirkhammett #cliffburton #larsulrich #masterofpuppets
#distopia #ficcion #guerra #guerracivil #peru #wattpad #wattpadperu #escritoresperuanos #anarquia #anarquismo #libertario #satira #antisistema #metallica #jameshetfield #kirkhammett #cliffburton #larsulrich #masterofpuppets
Metallica - Orion
#NowPlaying #Music #Metal #ThrashMetal #Instrumental #CliffBurton
#nowplaying #music #metal #thrashmetal #instrumental #cliffburton
10 februari 1962 - 27 september 1986
Bassist van metallica, die deze woorden sprak, "I'm going to be the world's best bassplayer for my brother", toen zijn broer stierf in 1975.
Er zijn opnames van zijn eerste band "AgentsOfMisfortune", met #JimMartin de latere gitarist van #FaithNoMore, en daaruit blijkt dat hij al stukken speelde van latere metallica nummers.
In 1982 ontmoet hij de leden van metallica en stapt uit zijn band #Trauma om hen te vervoegen.
#cliffburton #jimmartin #faithnomore #trauma
10 februari 1962 - 27 september 1986
Bassist van metallica, die deze woorden sprak, "I'm going to be the world's best bassplayer for my brother", toen broer stierf in 1975.
Er zijn opnames van zijn eerste band "AgentsOfMisfortune", met #JimMartin de latere gitarist van #FaithNoMore., en daaruit blijkt dat hij al stukken speelde van latere metallica nummers.
In 1982 ontmoet hij de leden van metallica en stapt uit zijn band #Trauma om hen te vervoegen.
#cliffburton #jimmartin #faithnomore #trauma
He's been his own worst enemy
#tv #tvshow #tvseries #MTV #celebrity #kerryking #davemustaine #CelebrityDeathMatch #memes #metal #metallica #cliffburton #rock #thrash
#tv #tvshow #tvseries #mtv #celebrity #kerryking #davemustaine #celebritydeathmatch #memes #metal #metallica #cliffburton #rock #thrash
Die gute alte Zeit 😁#metal #trashmetal #blackmetel #doommetal #speedmetal #MetalAmMittwoch #cliffburton #wacken
#wacken #cliffburton #MetalAmMittwoch #speedmetal #doommetal #blackmetel #trashmetal #metal
This New CLIFF BURTON Action Figure From Super7 Looks Amazing
Dude, it's got a hammer!
#CliffBurton #Metalinjection #Super7 #ActionFigure #TributeFigure #MetalMerch
#themetaldogarticlelist #metalinjection #cliffburton #super7 #actionfigure #tributefigure #metalmerch
Watch: Life Of Late METALLICA Bassist CLIFF BURTON Celebrated With Virtual Event On What Would Have Been His 61st Birthday
The life of late METALLICA bassist Cliff Burton was celebrated with "Cliff Burton Day" on what would have been his 61st birthday, February 10. A special livestream, emceed by Nicholas Gomez, in...
#CliffBurton #Metallica #VirtualEvent #CelebrateCliff #GoneTooSoon #RememberingCliff #61stBirthday #WeMissYouCliff
#themetaldogarticlelist #blaermouth #cliffburton #metallica #virtualevent #celebratecliff #gonetoosoon #rememberingcliff #61stbirthday #wemissyoucliff
Leyenda del metal de todos los tiempos. Hoy hubiese cumplido 61 años Cliff Burton, ex-bajista de Metallica, compositor y partícipe de la gloriosa primera etapa de la banda. 🤘🤘🤘
¿Cuál es tu tema favorito de su etapa en Metallica?
#cliffburton #metallica #cliffemall
Hours and hours of group therapy fun
#ragequit #metal #metallica #cliffburton #larsulrich #jameshetfield #kirkhammett #jasonnewsted #rock #roberttrujillo #rocknroll #rockandroll
#ragequit #metal #metallica #cliffburton #larsulrich #jameshetfield #kirkhammett #jasonnewsted #rock #roberttrujillo #rocknroll #rockandroll
Metallica's Trujllo Reflects on Promise Made to Cliff Burton
The bassist reveals how he reached out to Burton before taking the Metallica job. Continue reading…
#RobertTrujillo #CliffBurton #Metallica #BassGods #PromiseKept #RockHistory #MetalLegends
#themetaldogarticlelist #loudwire #metal #roberttrujillo #cliffburton #metallica #bassgods #promisekept #rockhistory #metallegends
Metallica at Kabuki NIghtclub 1985.
#Metallica #KabukiNightClub #SFBayAreaMusicHistory #ThrashMetal #CliffBurton
#metallica #kabukinightclub #sfbayareamusichistory #thrashmetal #cliffburton
I would love a class on Metallica history
RT @abhorrently_urs@twitter.com
My students keep asking what my t-shirt means so we are discussing Metallica with Cliff Burton and Metallica after Cliff Burton. Then we have a history lesson about NAPSTER and how Lars was a little Greedy bitch. Lol. #MetalEducation #CliffBurton #RIP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/abhorrently_urs/status/1520028283026423808
#rip #cliffburton #metaleducation
#CliffBurton was great... for a 20+-year-old. But to place him in the all-time greats for bass players is wild. He wasn't even the best bass player in #thrash in 1985.
The guy did amazing work in his short time on this planet. We should be able to appreciate that without elevating him to god status because he died young.
#moodformusic #metallica #killemall #cliffburton #vinyl #NowSpinning #picturedisc
Wait. There's a #Metallica #MasterOfPuppets Funko Pop set?! With #CliffBurton part of the set!?! It's a Walmart exclusive!?! 🤯🤯🤯🎸🤘🏾
I missed out on the Black Album one and am kicking myself for it...
Scalpers probably have already gotten their greedy little paws on them though, and are selling them for an arm and a leg. *Sigh* It's one of the reasons why I really slowed down on collecting stuff.
#cliffburton #masterofpuppets #metallica