Alex Nelson · @thmprover
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I am working my way through Adams's "Lectures on Exceptional Lie Groups", and I am not satisfied with the proof for his proposition 4.2 (which states the even subalgebra for the Clifford Algebra \(Cl(V)_{0}\) has 1 irreducible representation when \(dim(V)=m=2n+1\) and 2 irreducible representations when \(dim(V)=m=2n\) with certain specific weights).

The argument seems to be to relate representations of an Abelian subgroup \(E=\{\prod^{m}_{j=1}e_{j}^{i_{j}}\mid i_{j}=0\mbox{ or }1\}\) and \(E_{0} = E\cap Cl(V)_{0}\) [where \(e_{j}\) form the canonical basis for \(V\)] to representations of \(\mathbb{R}[E]/(\nu + 1)\cong Cl(V)\), the quotient of the group algebra \(\mathbb{R}[E]\) modulo the identification of the square of the generators \(e_{j}^{2}=\nu\) with -1.

I'm with Adams until he picks a complex 1-dimensional representation \(W\) of \(F\), because he starts working with *COMPLEX* representations. But Adams triumphantly announces "We thus get a representation, \(\Delta\) of \(E_{0}\)..." then shows it is irreducible. I'm fine with it being irreducible from the character relations, that's fine.

Even supposing this is an irreducible representation for \(\mathbb{C}[E_{0}]\), I don't quite see how to obtain an irrep for \(Cl(V)_{0}\); I am guessing just extend it "in the obvious way"? Does this preserve irreducibility?

#proof #mathematics #cliffordalgebra #liegroups #RepresentationTheory

Last updated 1 year ago

I learned from Jon Brett about physicist David 's colleague Basil Hiley Their distinction between implicate and explicate order seems to appear in my study of s. The Sheffer constraint of exponentiality yields an implicate order of of a set whereas orthogonality yields 5 possible explicate orders upon . Also curious how they use ,real and . ?

#bottperiodicity #symplectic #cliffordalgebra #measurement #partition #polynomial #sheffer #orthogonal #Bohm

Last updated 2 years ago