With untimely departures, I've drifted into the blues and jazz. Whoops-a-daisy!
Clifford Brown (1930~1956) was killed in car accident, along with Richie Powell and his wife Nancy Powell.
Clifford Brown & Max Roach, "Parisian Thoroughfare" (Bud Powell 1951; live at the Shrine Auditorium, Hollywood, August 30, 1954)
dr: Max Roach
ba: George Morrow
pi: Richie Powell
ts: Teddy Edwards
tr: Clifford Brown
#JukeboxFridayNight #RockNRollHeaven #CliffordBrown #RichiePowell
#JukeboxFridayNight #rocknrollheaven #cliffordbrown #richiepowell
Minor Key . Net Playlist 7/14/23
#JayJayJohnson #CliffordBrown #HaniaRani #DobrawaCzocher #LucileBoulanger #LouReed #AlisaWeilerstein #SymphonieorchesterDesBayerischenRundfunks #PabloHerasCasado #SuaLee #NatalieHaas #ShekuKannehMason #HannahRoberts #BenDavies #DesmondNeysmith #MaxRuisi #JoepBeving #DeutschesFilmorchesterBabelsberg #LorenzDangel #TheBeachBoys #TheCure
#NowPlaying #Playlist #60sMusic #ClassicalMusic #Jazz #Piano #Cello #Cellist #NowListening
#jayjayjohnson #cliffordbrown #haniarani #dobrawaczocher #lucileboulanger #loureed #alisaweilerstein #symphonieorchesterdesbayerischenrundfunks #pabloherascasado #sualee #nataliehaas #shekukannehmason #hannahroberts #bendavies #desmondneysmith #maxruisi #joepbeving #deutschesfilmorchesterbabelsberg #lorenzdangel #thebeachboys #thecure #nowplaying #playlist #60smusic #classicalmusic #jazz #piano #cello #cellist #nowlistening
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheJazzShowWithJamieCullum
Clifford Brown:
π΅ Joy Spring
#nowplaying #TheJazzShowWithJamieCullum #cliffordbrown
1956 - Clifford Brown-Max Roach Quintet - Rouge Lounge - River Rouge, Michigan
#jazz #cliffordbrown #maxroach
1955 - Clifford Brown-Max Roach Quintet - Rouge Lounge - River Rouge, Michigan
#jazz #cliffordbrown #maxroach
1954 - Clifford Brown-Max Roach Quintet - Crystal Show Bar - Detroit, Michigan
#jazz #cliffordbrown #maxroach
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JToZ
Clifford Brown & Max Roach Quintet:
π΅ Joy Spring
#nowplaying #JToZ #cliffordbrown #maxroachquintet
π #NowPlaying on fip
Helen Merrill & Clifford Brown:
π΅ YouΒΏd be so nice to come home to
#nowplaying #helenmerrill #cliffordbrown
Jazztodon artist of the week: Freddie Hubbard! "From the moment he played one note, you knew that was Freddie Hubbard. So he had a sound that was distinctive as #MilesDavis, as #LouisArmstrong, as #CliffordBrown. I mean, he's one of those trumpet players." - #StanleyCrouch
What are your favorite #FreddieHubbard records or performance memories?
#milesdavis #louisarmstrong #cliffordbrown #stanleycrouch #freddiehubbard #jazz
Mistodon: Happy #BlackHistoryMonth! Today we explore the music portfolio. This #ShiftJIS portrait of trumpeter #CliffordBrown (aka #Browny) was drawn using text characters by jazz lover Kalcha and included in the music-themed MIST0118 artpack collection released five years ago.
#blackhistorymonth #shiftjis #cliffordbrown #browny
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JToZ
Max Roach & Clifford Brown:
π΅ Cherokee
#nowplaying #JToZ #MaxRoach #cliffordbrown
#εη γ©γ
#nowspinning #cliffordbrown #maxroach #studyinbrown #emercyrecords #mercuryrecords #nipponphonogram #vinylrecords #12inchvinyl #sl1200mk3d #shurem447 #100sounds #rs44100b #εη γ©γ #gk05lcr #sansui607xr
Easy Living
in a
Minor Mood
up on
Blueberry Hill
#songtitles #jazz #cliffordbrown
Minor Key . Net Playlist 2/8/23
#BeastieBoys #Beck #Sebadoh #JohnWilson #SinfoniaofLondon #SimonAndGarkunkel #IronAndWine #JJJohnson (#JayJayJohnson) #CliffordBrown #LeonardCohen #MarΓaDueΓ±as #ItamarGolan #MarvinGaye
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-2-8-23/pl.u-GgA5e15co2P9epr
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/44EYaSf1Oc1pqD1JAClDaw?si=8befb9825e414926
#nowplaying #playlist #mastomusic #music #ClassicalMusic #jazz #indiemusic #folkmusic #motown
#beastieboys #beck #sebadoh #johnwilson #sinfoniaoflondon #simonandgarkunkel #ironandwine #jjjohnson #jayjayjohnson #cliffordbrown #leonardcohen #mariaduenas #itamargolan #marvingaye #playlists #applemusic #spotify #nowplaying #playlist #mastomusic #music #classicalmusic #jazz #indiemusic #folkmusic #motown
Minor Key . Net Playlist 2/3/23
#ArtBlakey #TheJazzMessengers #CliffordBrown #MaxRoach #AbbeyLincoln #BudPowell #CharlieParker #DizzyGillespie #CharlesMingus #DukeEllington #JohnColtrane #MilesDavis #TheloniousMonk
No one obscure here. All are well known. Still, a great #playlist of #JazzMusic. The works flow here.
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-2-3-23/pl.u-WabZ68jieN1jmY5
#QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13340417
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/65WtV9tIrmfl49Jt5IpxlL?si=722432f3f4634fe5
#artblakey #thejazzmessengers #cliffordbrown #maxroach #abbeylincoln #budpowell #charlieparker #dizzygillespie #charlesmingus #dukeellington #johncoltrane #milesdavis #theloniousmonk #playlist #jazzmusic #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #jazz #nowplaying
Minor Key . Net Playlist 1/9/23
#JayJayJohnson #CliffordBrown #LeeMorgan #ArtBlakey #TheJazzMessengers #MemphisSlim #WillieDixon #PeteSeeger #JohnLennon #NeilYoung #PaulSimon #LadysmithBlackMambazo
#APPLEMUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-1-9-23/pl.u-KVXBDGJFL0bkqdD
#QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/12964301
#SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Ma2zJyRdwO7T6auO7iemT?si=c65a490538884f29
#playlists #nowplaying #jazz #blues #folk #worldmusic #jazzmusic #folkways #folkrock
#jayjayjohnson #cliffordbrown #leemorgan #artblakey #thejazzmessengers #memphisslim #williedixon #peteseeger #johnlennon #neilyoung #paulsimon #ladysmithblackmambazo #playlist #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #playlists #nowplaying #jazz #blues #folk #worldmusic #jazzmusic #folkways #folkrock
Minor Key . Net Playlist 12/28/22
#LeeMorgan #TheLighthouse #ArtBlakeyQuintet #Birdland #CliffordBrown #MaxRoach #TheBeeHive #ArtBlakey #TheloniousMonk #DizzyGillespie #CharlieParker #EricDolphy #BookerLittle #GrachanMoncurIII #LookoutFarm #Hamburg #FolkImplosion (Bonus: #KissMyJazz website link only)
APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-12-28-22/pl.u-gxblgGDTblKLvZ4
QOBUZ: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/12753288
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6oeY2PSrFD7PAum9uLP6HE?si=2d6265644a1d48de
#leemorgan #thelighthouse #artblakeyquintet #birdland #cliffordbrown #maxroach #thebeehive #artblakey #theloniousmonk #dizzygillespie #charlieparker #ericdolphy #bookerlittle #grachanmoncuriii #lookoutfarm #hamburg #folkimplosion #kissmyjazz #playlists #playlist #nowplaying #jazzmusic #jazz #livemusic