Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1469 followers · 5153 posts · Server

First back to the gym in 5 weeks (January 30th), and I thought I wouldn't do this good after having been gone for so long.

Nearly 8 miles total of cardio. Wednesday, we up that a bit and continue where we left off and get some of this weight off again.

#gym #myworkout #cliffsworkout

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1327 followers · 4102 posts · Server

Today at the gym I focused completely on cardio for a full hour as you can see by the screenshot below.

For the first time in only doing the bike for a week, I went 10 miles. Yes, TEN MILES! That's a huge deal for me and it beats my previous record of 8 miles.

I also managed to get in almost 1 mile on the treadmill.

Since I'm really needing to lose a bit of weight, cardio seems to be the way for me to achieve this.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1298 followers · 3869 posts · Server

I decided that today was going to be cardio day at the gym.

While I feel weights are a bit important for muscle and muscle mass, I feel for me personally right now it's more about cardio and losing a bit of weight before focusing fully on the weights.

I know this only shows 2 things I did, but 8+ miles on the bike is a LOT for me. Though it's also 2+ miles more than what I did last Friday. Plus, I put in a mile on the treadmill.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff :SoS: · @Cliff
295 followers · 79 posts · Server

Today was arm day. I hate arm day. I struggle with arm day.

I hope these numbers improve over time, but damn it, arms are super tough to do, even just once a week.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout #gethealthier #healthierlifestyle

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1229 followers · 3632 posts · Server

Today was the first day back in the gym after a week.

Only got to go one day last week due to the family stuff that was going on and is still going on.

Today was leg day and to be honest, I feel I did decently good.

I just have to keep at it and keep pushing forward.

#gym #workout #myworkout #cliffsworkout #legday #healthierlife #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff :SoS: · @Cliff
270 followers · 20 posts · Server

Good to be back in the gym after having to take most of the week off last week for family stuff.

Today was leg day and I feel I did decently well.

#workout #legday #gym #myworkout #cliffsworkout #gethealthier #healthierlife

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1209 followers · 3476 posts · Server

Today's workout was rough, as it was arm day.

I've quickly learned to hate arm day already. LOL

Wednesday, I'm going to up the time/distance on the treadmill for both instances as I'm feeling I could certainly go a bit longer.

#myworkout #cliffsworkout #gym #workout #gethealthier #healthandfitness

Last updated 2 years ago

Cliff Wade :novaLauncher: · @cliffwade
1206 followers · 3445 posts · Server

Here is today's workout. This was the end of our first full week at the gym and I have to say, I feel good. I feel like my big accomplishment was simply getting motivated to go 3 days out of the week and actually put in a decent workout.

I'm still a beginner, so these numbers will hopefully keep improving. But it's a start and it's something I plan to keep doing!

#myworkout #cliffsworkout #exercise #gym #gethealthy

Last updated 2 years ago