#DeepDive im Climate Lab
Wie sieht die #green_IT der Zukunft aus und was kann sie in der #Klimawende beitragen?
Wir tauchen gemeinsam mit Expert:innen und unserem Partner
#Eviden tief ins Thema ein.
#deepdive #green_it #Klimawende #eviden #climateactionnow #netzero
🗣 Die Kunst der #Ausrede.
@TBrudermann stellt im Climate Lab sein Buch vor und spricht mit @GebhardOttacher und Tina Deutsch darüber, wie wir ins Handeln kommen können.
#ClimateActionNow #Klimawende #Klimawandel #Klimakrise #NetZero
#Ausrede #climateactionnow #Klimawende #klimawandel #KlimaKrise #netzero
This is your personal invitation to discuss the draft of the Nua-Celtic Manifesto with me on https://zotum.net/profile/ncm.
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean
Excited to attend the 10th annual Net Zero Conference on 9/13 + 9/14 at the Los Angeles Convention Center!
Wanna learn more about the #NetZeroFuture? Register today at https://netzeroconference.com/register/
Get 15% off with promo code NETZERO15
#Sustainability #SustainableLiving #RenewableEnergy #ElectrifyEverything #ClimateActionNow #ActOnClimate #WomenLeadClimate #NetZero #ClimateEmergency #AnimalMatters
#netzerofuture #sustainability #sustainableliving #renewableenergy #electrifyeverything #climateactionnow #ActOnClimate #womenleadclimate #netzero #climateemergency #animalmatters
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #standForUkraine #noWar #Нетвойны #graffiti #streetArt #banksy #belikeThePanda #panda #NoRacismNoFascism #defendDiversity #fightForYourRight #defendFuture #emblematy #handWithEye #watching #observation
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #standforukraine #nowar #нетвойны #graffiti #streetart #banksy #belikethepanda #panda #noracismnofascism #defenddiversity #fightforyourright #defendfuture #emblematy #handwitheye #watching #observation
Paris: Aus Parkplätzen werden Straßen für Menschen. 💚
#Verkehrswende 🚲🌻🚶🏽♀️🌳🤗 #StädteFürMenschen #autofrei #VisionZero #Tempolimit #Tempo30 #Fahrrad #MehrPlatzFürsRad #CarIsOver #CarFree #Klimaschutz #ClimateActionNow
#verkehrswende #stadtefurmenschen #autofrei #visionzero #tempolimit #tempo30 #fahrrad #mehrplatzfursrad #carisover #carfree #klimaschutz #climateactionnow
Climate breakdown
“There’s a clear message for Australia – we must phase out fossil fuels.”
"Australia, is still approving new coal mines and gas exploration. Carbon emissions? Still climbing... Governments worldwide are failing to cut global greenhouse emissions rapidly enough to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees and avoid catastrophic climate change and there is a rapidly narrowing window to act."
#ParisAgreement #failure #Australia #inertia #FossilFuels #climate #disasters #ClimateBreakdown #ClimateActionNow
#climatebreakdown #parisagreement #failure #australia #inertia #fossilfuels #climate #disasters #climateactionnow
8 Jahre des „zu wenig gegen die #Klimakrise tun“ liegen zwischen dem Appell von Barack Obama und der „Anklage“ von Antonio Guterres! #ClimateActionNow
Antonio Guterres (Secretary-General of the UN) am 05.04.2022
"Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals.
But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels.
Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness."
This is your personal invitation to discuss the draft of the Nua-Celtic Manifesto with me on https://zotum.net/profile/ncm.
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #standForUkraine #Нетвойны #toxicMasculinity #whatIsVictory #whatFor #pacifism #wheat #nutrition #hunger #famine #harvest #screamingHead #emblematy #handWithEye #watchingYou #observation #surveillance
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #standforukraine #нетвойны #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #whatfor #pacifism #wheat #nutrition #hunger #famine #harvest #screaminghead #emblematy #handwitheye #watchingyou #observation #surveillance
My new Substack post titled "Tweaking my Diet for Climate Change?" is now available.
Link: https://sumbulsyed.substack.com/p/tweaking-my-diet-for-climate-change
#climateemergency #climatebreakdown #climateactionnow
Imaginea healthcare system designed with the #ClimateEmergency in mind:
“What I would like to see long term is a world and a healthcare system in which we look at climate change and climate-related hazards as influencers of health and have intervention that we can deploy to keep people safe or to help them keep themselves safe,” says Dr. Caleb Dresser, director of healthcare solutions at C-CHANGE.
#ClimateActionNow #Pollution #ExtremeHeat #Health #Healthcare
#climateemergency #climateactionnow #pollution #extremeheat #health #healthcare
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
Autonomie und Solidarität: "If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s …" - Todon.eu
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #standForUkraine #noWar #Нетвойны #soldier #sniper #collateralDamage #toxicMasculinity #whatIsVictory #whatFor #pacifism #emblematy #handWithEye #watchingYou #observation #surveillance
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #standforukraine #nowar #нетвойны #soldier #sniper #collateraldamage #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #whatfor #pacifism #emblematy #handwitheye #watchingyou #observation #surveillance
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
Es wird zu viel geflogen!
Verbietet Inlandsflüge Privatjets #Kerosinsteuer jetzt
Schließt die Flughäfen der Reichen Sylt St Moritz etc #TaxTheRich
#kerosinsteuer #taxtherich #climateactionnow #climatecrisis #klimakatastrophe
Präventivhaft für 30 Klimaaktivisten in München & die wahren #Umweltverbrecher Energiekonzerne wie #RWE Mineralölkonzerne @Shell #Total @araldeutschland bleiben unbehelligt, Politik/Justiz dulden/bewachen ihr unsägliches Treiben für den letzten Profit #Klimawandel
#Umweltverbrecher #rwe #total #klimawandel #climateactionnow
Wir wollen Städte für Menschen! Städte für Autos hatten wir lange genug.
#Verkehrswende 🚲🌻🚶🏽♀️🌳🤗 #StädteFürMenschen #autofrei #VisionZero #Tempolimit #Tempo30 #Fahrrad #MehrPlatzFürsRad #CarIsOver #CarFree #Klimaschutz #ClimateActionNow
#verkehrswende #stadtefurmenschen #autofrei #visionzero #tempolimit #tempo30 #fahrrad #mehrplatzfursrad #carisover #carfree #klimaschutz #climateactionnow