RT @audreygarric@twitter.com
Très fort discours de Greta Thunberg au sommet de l'ONU #ClimateActionSummit. "Vous m’avez dérobé mes rêves, mon enfance avec vos paroles sans sens. Et pourtant je suis l’une des plus chanceuses."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/audreygarric/status/1176145221362622464
Go Greta go!!!
#ClimateChange #CimateStrike #ClimateActionSummit #ClimateCrisis %%%
RT @NBCNews@twitter.com
WATCH: Greta Thunberg passionately shares her message to world leaders at #UNGA:
"We'll be watching you ... You'll come to us young people for hope. How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words ... People are suffering. People are dying."
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #unga #climateactionsummit #cimatestrike
Liebe Frau #Merkel, ich habe großen Respekt vor Ihnen. Aber dieses Bild zu veröffentlichen nach der bewegenden Rede von @GretaThunberg@twitter.com und den lustlosen Beschlüssen des #Klimakabinett ist ein Hohn.
RT @RegSprecher@twitter.com
Begegnung vor den Reden beim @UN@twitter.com #ClimateActionSummit: Kanzlerin #Merkel trifft @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RegSprecher/status/1176155528189362179
#merkel #klimakabinett #howdareyou #climateactionsummit
Ich habe eine Gänsehaut! @GretaThunberg@twitter.com hat Recht! Und wir verschieben längst überfällige Maßnahmen einmal mehr Jahre in die Zukunft! Und müssten jetzt sofort so viel mehr tun! Schande über uns! Und Schande über mich, der ich zu schwach bin! Was soll ich nur meinen Kindern sagen!
RT @ZDFheute@twitter.com
„Wie konntet Ihr es wagen“, fragt Greta Thunberg in ihrer Rede beim UN-Sondergipfel zum Klima.
RT @Cdanslair@twitter.com
► #Climat : les Etats sous pression
Le #ClimateActionSummit de l'#ONU débute ce lundi à New-York et c'est le sujet de l'émission #cdanslair du jour. Rdv à 17.45 sur @France5tv@twitter.com.
🗨️ Posez vos questions dès maintenant à @Caroline_Roux@twitter.com et ses invités ! http://bit.ly/Cdanslair.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Cdanslair/status/1176140184250961920
#cdanslair #onu #climateactionsummit #climat
@GretaThunberg@twitter.com Why does the livestream of #ClimateActionSummit not supply lower third captions giving names and positions of speaker? Not relevant?
@GretaThunberg@twitter.com Merkel claims to have heard the "shout of the youth" - we have to follow the advice of scientists. Paris agreement is measurement. So why doesn't she do any of that? #nichtmeinklimapaket #ClimateActionSummit
#nichtmeinklimapaket #climateactionsummit
@GretaThunberg@twitter.com Oh dear, Merkel is up. Is she going to defend #nichtmeinklimapaket to the #ClimateActionSummit ?
#nichtmeinklimapaket #climateactionsummit
@GretaThunberg@twitter.com Even Modi says we're not doing enough. Need global people's movement to bring about behavioural change. Need not greed has to be guiding principle. #ClimateActionSummit Sounds vaguely ominous with the stress on behaviour and values.
Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you! @GretaThunberg@twitter.com @ UN #ClimateActionSummit https://twitter.com/i/status/1176145314341937157
RT @IISDRS@twitter.com
I may be one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, dying, ecosystems collapsing. We are at the beginning of a mass extinction. All you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. @GretaThunberg@twitter.com addresses opening of @UNClimateSummit@twitter.com #ClimateActionSummit
Greta Thunberg, asked about her message to world leaders: "My message is we'll be watching you." #ClimateActionSummit
Mic not working, this seems unfortunate. Snazzy headset but no joy. Didn't they do a soundcheck @ #ClimateActionSummit
RT @NamugerwaLeah@twitter.com
Looking forward to going to the #ClimateActionSummit in #NewYork as one of the 100 climate champions chosen by @UNYouthEnvoy@twitter.com @antonioguterres@twitter.com - representing the young people of #Uganda and #Africa - hoping @USAmbUganda@twitter.com @usmissionuganda@twitter.com will assist me urgently !! @GretaThunberg@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NamugerwaLeah/status/1174297549647306758
#climateactionsummit #africa #newyork #uganda