I'm Aryanne and I live in Utrecht NL together with my partner.
I'm a #GrayAce #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme.
I transitioned in 2017, my egg started to break years earlier and since then I'm actively seeking out queer spaces.
Being forced to stop with my daytime job I had more time to think about how rotten #capitalism and the #ClimateCrisis are and I became an #anarchist and #ClimateActivist following the principles of #ExtinctionRebellion.
I love my #cat @flippie and post his pictures once in a while.
I like good #food, #photography, #art, #opera and a broad varity of #music.
I used to work as software developer and enterprise architect.
I'm #ActuallyAutistic and #BiPolar and probably #cPTSD and #ADHD.
This combination and the stress the world gave me made me broken beyond repair.
Beginning of this year I made an end of life choice, read more about it here:
I mostly post/interact in English, but sometimes in Dutch.
Due to my #dyslexia I will probably edit my post within minutes and it still might not make any sense 🙃
#Introduction #grayace #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme #capitalism #ClimateCrisis #Anarchist #climateactivist #ExtinctionRebellion #Cat #food #photography #art #opera #Music #actuallyautistic #bipolar #cptsd #adhd #dyslexia #xr
#GretaThunberg accuses #EdinburghBookFestival sponsor of ‘#greenwashing’
#ClimateActivist pulls out of event, saying sponsor #BaillieGifford invests heavily in #FossilFuels industry
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/04/greta-thunberg-accuses-edinburgh-book-festival-sponsor-of-greenwashing #EdinburghFestival #Edinburgh #Books
#books #edinburgh #Edinburghfestival #fossilfuels #bailliegifford #climateactivist #greenwashing #edinburghbookfestival #gretathunberg
Greta Thunberg : l’activiste du climat condamnée à une amende pour refus d’obtempérer
La jeune militante, jugée pour « refus d’obtempérer » a nié toute volonté de commettre un délit. Quelques heures après son audience, elle a été délogée d’une nouvelle manifestation pour le climat, pour le même motif.
#climateactivist #gretathunberg #suede
#Indigenous #climateactivist #VictorPuertas in custody despite no indictment
#unicornriot #indigenous #climateactivist #victorpuertas
Read an ER doctor’s essay on #ClimateDistress that no one else would publish https://gendread.substack.com/p/read-an-er-doctors-essay-on-climate “ @jvipondmd has been a #ClimateActivist for many years, and he’s contributed several op-eds to various #Canadian publications. But when he recently opened up about his climate distress and tried to publish the essay below, no media outlet would take it.”
#climatedistress #climateactivist #canadian
#Contempt threat against #ClimateActivist may undermine #TrialByJury, lawyers say - https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jul/26/contempt-threat-against-climate-activist-may-undermine-trial-by-jury-lawyers-say #Justice #Law
#law #justice #trialbyjury #climateactivist #contempt
Greta Thunberg to apper in court over climate protest
#climateactivist #sweden #gretathunberg
@NatureMC @fluids_guru @IsabVann2 @better_tomorrow @RebeccaSolnit
Yes, I know… sadly the vast majority of my really great, wonderful #ClimateActivist network from Twitter did not migrate here, either staying on #Twitter or going elsewhere. I did sign up for #ProjectMushroom but was on the waiting list for about two months, by which time i was already happily installed here on mastodon.green. It’s a real shame how it’s all splintered but I am very happy with the new community I have found here
#climateactivist #twitter #projectmushroom
9/x But really noone should cut Iroko at all! It is an #oxalogenic species which fixes carbon into the soil (and fertilises), one of the best trees to plant right now for #CarbonCapture. I learned this from an #Eastbourne fellow #ClimateActivist (activist in the loosest sense - people who do things about #ClimateChange) and you can read more here. I am not an expert on this myself, but the Iroko really is one of our #SuperTrees
#oxalogenic #CarbonCapture #eastbourne #climateactivist #ClimateChange #supertrees
German #climateactivist group facing criminal investigation
#climateactivist #lunatics #criminalorganization #anarchy
German #climateactivist group facing criminal investigation #lunatics #criminalorganization #anarchy
#climateactivist #lunatics #criminalorganization #anarchy
@Jain @rdr6000 @supriya for the context for syd: #protonmail intercepted a #ClimateActivist 's metadata at the request of the #french government:
#protonmail #climateactivist #french
it is time for any #ClimateActivist of good conscience on #TurtleIsland to deprioritize #PoliticalAction on #ClimateActionNow and shift all resources and energy to disrupting #Dumbass @joebiden
#climateactivist #TurtleIsland #politicalaction #climateactionnow #dumbass
*** NEW *** #emergency number for #politicians
If you're a politician and it turns out, surprisingly, that you're really against racism, authoritarianism or climate change, there's a new phone number to find a personal exit strategy for you:
Call 666.
It will direct you to your nearest local jail. Ask your guards for
A #ClimateActivist, in case of #ClimateChange.
An #AntiFascist, in case of #Racism
An #Anarchist, in case of #Authoritarianism
They are friendly people and will definitely help you.
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Lützerath #Luetzerath #Racism #Antisemitism #Antifa #Antifascism #Antifascist #Anarchism #AutonomousYouth #Anarchist #AnarchaFeminism #Parliament #Bundestag #President #Councillor #Premier #Democrats #Republican
#emergency #politicians #climateactivist #ClimateChange #antifascist #racism #Anarchist #authoritarianism #climateemergency #ClimateCrisis #Lutzerath #luetzerath #antisemitism #antifa #antifascism #anarchism #autonomousyouth #anarchafeminism #parliament #bundestag #president #councillor #premier #democrats #republican
*** NEW *** #emergency number for #politicians
If you're a politician and it turns out, surprisingly, that you're really against racism, authoritarianism or climate change, there's a new phone number to find a personal exit strategy for you:
Call 666.
It will direct you to your nearest local jail. Ask your guards for
A #ClimateActivist, in case of #ClimateChange.
An #AntiFascist, in case of #Racism
An #Anarchist, in case of #Authoritarianism
They are friendly people and will definitely help you.
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Lützerath #Luetzerath #Racism #Antisemitism #Antifa #Antifascism #Antifascist #Anarchism #AutonomousYouth #Anarchist #AnarchaFeminism #Parliament #Bundestag #President #Councillor #Premier #Democrats #Republican
#emergency #politicians #climateactivist #ClimateChange #antifascist #racism #Anarchist #authoritarianism #climateemergency #ClimateCrisis #Lutzerath #luetzerath #antisemitism #antifa #antifascism #anarchism #autonomousyouth #anarchafeminism #parliament #bundestag #president #councillor #premier #democrats #republican
*** NEW *** #emergency number for #politicians
If you're a politician and it turns out, surprisingly, that you're really against racism, authoritarianism or climate change, there's a new phone number to find a personal exit strategy for you:
Call 666.
It will direct you to your nearest local jail. Ask your guards for
A #ClimateActivist, in case of #ClimateChange.
An #AntiFascist, in case of #Racism
An #Anarchist, in case of #Authoritarianism
They are friendly people and will definitely help you.
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Lützerath #Luetzerath #Racism #Antisemitism #Antifa #Antifascism #Antifascist #Anarchism #AutonomousYouth #Anarchist #AnarchaFeminism #Parliament #Bundestag
#emergency #politicians #climateactivist #ClimateChange #antifascist #racism #Anarchist #authoritarianism #climateemergency #ClimateCrisis #Lutzerath #luetzerath #antisemitism #antifa #antifascism #anarchism #autonomousyouth #anarchafeminism #parliament #bundestag
*** NEW *** #Emergency Number for #Politicians
If you are a politician and should surprisingly find out to be truly against racism, authoritarianism or climate change, there is a new phone number to find a personal exit strategy for you:
Call 666
It forwards you to your next local prison. Ask your guards for:
A #ClimateActivist, in case of #ClimateChangre
An #AntiFascist, in case of #Racism
An #Anarchist, in case of #Authoritarianism
They are kind people and will definitely help you out.
#emergency #politicians #climateactivist #climatechangre #antifascist #racism #Anarchist #authoritarianism
*** NEW *** #Emergency Number for #Politicians
If you are a politician and should surprisingly find out to be truly against racism, authoritarianism or climate change, there is a new phone number to find a personal exit strategy for you:
Call 666
It forwards you to your next local prison. Ask your guards for:
A #ClimateActivist, in case of #ClimateChangre
An #AntiFascist, in case of #Racism
An #Anarchist, in case of #Authoritarianism
They are kind people and will definitely help you out.
#emergency #politicians #climateactivist #climatechangre #antifascist #racism #Anarchist #authoritarianism