More #climateaction #climateadvocacy that #NewYorkers can take today via #NYRenews:
The #NYS Senate is holding a hearing tomorrow regarding the implementation of the Climate Act, which is still not fully funded.
Consider sending legislators a message prior to the hearing tomorrow supporting the NYRenews Climate, Jobs, and Justice package, which would help fund this important #climatelegislation!
Link here:
#climateaction #climateadvocacy #NewYorkers #nyrenews #nys #climatelegislation #climatechange #environmentalhealth #climatejustice
Enjoy reading about more #climateaction being taken in #NYS in 2023:
Kathy Hochul recently proposed a Cap and Invest program for #NewYork that would reduce #pollution and provider up to $1 billion to help communities combat #climatechange in #NYC and #NY.
Here's the story:
#climateaction #nys #newyork #pollution #climatechange #nyc #ny #environmentalhealth #climatejustice #climateadvocacy
Some #climateaction #climateadvocacy any #NewYorker can take today:
Ask the #NYC Legislature to fully fund the 2020 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) by passing the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package this legislative session.
Passing #climatelegislation is essential for #NYC #NY communities to build #climateresilience.
Learn more:
#climateaction #climateadvocacy #newyorker #nyc #climatelegislation #ny #climateresilience #climatechange #climatejustice #environmentaljustice
Catching up on #climatechange news in #NYS after some busy time in the hospital on service.
Very pleased to read about the governor's signing of the Cumulative Impacts Bill, an important step forward for #climatejustice #environmentaljustice in #NYC and the state.
As a #pediatrician in the Bronx, I can attest to the impact of heavy #pollution on #childhealth.
Read more about the bill and #environmentalracism in NYS here:
#climatechange #nys #climatejustice #environmentaljustice #nyc #pediatrician #pollution #Childhealth #environmentalracism #climateaction #climateadvocacy
Very excited to read about the #healthbenefits from this #climatelegislation, and from a #pediatrician's perspective, this is a big #environmentaljustice #climatejustice win, especially for #childhealth in our communities.
However, much work remains to be done & more legislation needs to be passed - such as the #NYS Climate, Justice, and Jobs Package being supported by #NYRenews. Climate legislation is public health legislation.
#healthbenefits #climatelegislation #pediatrician #environmentaljustice #climatejustice #Childhealth #nys #nyrenews #pediatrics #climatechange #climateadvocacy #publichealth
This week, the #NYS Climate Action Council released "the Scoping Plan" roadmap for reaching the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals enshrined in the 2019 Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act.
It's expected to yield at least $115 billion in net benefits from improved public health and avoided damages from climate change, & create up to 211,000 jobs by 2030 and up to 318,000 by 2040.
#climatechange #climatelegislation #climateaction #climateadvocacy
#nys #climatechange #climatelegislation #climateaction #climateadvocacy
The Medical Society Consortium on #Climate & #Health is accepting applications for their 2023 Climate & Health Equity Fellowship until 12/31/2022.
The goal is for #doctors of color to become leaders in #climateequity, #climateadvocacy and policy solutions.
Check out the application:
#climate #health #doctors #ClimateEquity #climateadvocacy #climateaction #climatechange
The Medical Society Consortium on #Climate & #Health is accepting applications for their 2023 Climate & Health Equity Fellowship until 12/31/2022.
The goal is for #doctors of color to become leaders in #climateequity, #climateadvocacy and policy solutions.
Check out the application:
#climate #health #doctors #ClimateEquity #climateadvocacy #climateaction #climatechange
More #climateaction that #NewYorkers can take today after the final Scoping Plan for NY's Climate Act release by the Climate Action Council.
Send a letter to legislators highlighting the need for accountability & #environmentaljustice. Ask them to support NY Renews’ Climate, Jobs & Justice Package #climatelegislation.
Link here:
#climateaction #NewYorkers #environmentaljustice #climatelegislation #climatechange #climatejustice #nyc #nys #climateadvocacy
More #climateaction that #NewYorkers can take today after the final Scoping Plan for NY's Climate Act release by the Climate Action Council.
Send a letter to legislators highlighting the need for accountability & #environmentaljustice. Ask them to support NY Renews’ Climate, Jobs & Justice Package #climatelegislation.
Link here:
#climateaction #NewYorkers #environmentaljustice #climatelegislation #climatechange #climatejustice #nyc #nys #climateadvocacy
If you live in #NewYorkState, here's some quick #climateaction you can take tonight:
#NYRenews one-click tool to send an email to #NYS Assembly members asking them to support the Climate Justice and Jobs Package of #climatelegislation being considered in this legislative session.
Here's the link:
More info about the CJJ individual bills here:
Just sent mine! #climateadvocacy #climatechange
#newyorkstate #climateaction #nyrenews #nys #climatelegislation #climateadvocacy #climatechange
If you live in #NewYorkState, here's some quick #climateaction you can take tonight:
#NYRenews one-click tool to send an email to #NYS Assembly members asking them to support the Climate Justice and Jobs Package of #climatelegislation being considered in this legislative session.
Here's the link:
More info about the CJJ individual bills here:
Just sent mine! #climateadvocacy #climatechange
#newyorkstate #climateaction #nyrenews #nys #climatelegislation #climateadvocacy #climatechange
@lissaharris also from a #climateaction perspective:
- Win.Climate study shows winter energy saving costs from #heatpumps are greater mainly in Hudson Valley and upstate regions.
- I would expect energy savings in NYC and suburbs would be greater in summer compared to other regions because of the #heatisland effect
- NYRenews's CJJ Package doesn't include this legislation but seems like with additional summertime savings data would make economic sense & strong #climateadvocacy for all of #NYS
#climateaction #HeatPumps #heatisland #climateadvocacy #nys
@CityAtlas yeah, thanks for this! Thankfully there is a new #climatechange legislative agenda for #NYS this year that the #NYRenews coalition is supporting: The Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package (@lissaharris just published a great article on this in the Times Union). I noticed that there are no #healthcare organizers as part of the coalition & I've reached out to the NY Clinicians for Climate Action group ( to hopefully sign onto this #climateadvocacy.
#climatechange #nys #nyrenews #healthcare #climateadvocacy