Whoooohoooo!!!!! Celebrating my certification
by the Redeye Photography Network and the Carbon Literacy Project as a #ClimateAware #Photographer
Concerned about the #CarbonFootprint of your photography practice? Keen to contribute to action by the #photography sector to to reduce its footprint? Follow the link for info about certification.
#NZTwits #ClimateChangeCommunication #CarbonLiteracy #ReducingMyFootprint #RedeyePhotographyNetwork #aotearoa #NewZealand
#climateaware #photographer #carbonfootprint #photography #NZTwits #climatechangecommunication #carbonliteracy #reducingmyfootprint #redeyephotographynetwork #aotearoa #newzealand
Celebrating the arrival today of my certification by the Redeye Photography Network and the Carbon Literacy project as a #ClimateAware #Photographer
As far as I know, I'm the first NZ photographer to achieve certification.
#NZTwits #nzphotography #ClimateChangeCommunication #CarbonLiteracy #ReducingMyFootprint #RedeyePhotographyNetwork #aotearoa #NewZealand
#climateaware #photographer #NZTwits #nzphotography #climatechangecommunication #carbonliteracy #reducingmyfootprint #redeyephotographynetwork #aotearoa #newzealand
#photography and #videography intersect with many other sectors and have a have a significant #CarbonFootprint. To improve my practice I'm becoming certified as a climate-aware photographer. The Redeye Network offers a course for certification via the Carbon Literacy Project. I'd love to share this experience. Please reply with any questions or comments you may have. And have a look here: https://www.redeye.org.uk/cap
#photographer #videographer #ClimateAware #ClimateAction #NZTwits
#photography #videography #carbonfootprint #photographer #videographer #climateaware #climateaction #NZTwits
Chatting to some friends last night and the general consensus is that the Climate Crisis is going to deepen and basically we’re screwed. This was put down not just to political will, but mainly to human ego and greed, and that the masses just don’t care about anything beyond their own nose. It was depressing in its truth. These friends were vegan/vegetarian and mostly cyclists who are fed up with being the only ones doing anything. #ClimateAware #ClimateCrisis #COP27 #TooLittleTooLate
#toolittletoolate #cop27 #climatecrisis #climateaware
@craiggrannell @eloquar @Molly @WilliamHeath Yes! This a clever tooter can really catch the eye with a good CW cover! And people who appreciate #CWs may be just the sort of #ClimateAware people that you want to follow and have follow you.