10 m resolution Land Surface Temperature, capturing both diurnal and nocturnal variations in #Rome #LST #ClimateAwareness
”As #ClimateAwareness has risen, it has become more and more obvious that #libraries are not an area that should be left out of this discussion. The #CarbonFootprint of #library operations must be considered as part of efforts working towards net zero.
However, the opportunity for advocating for sustainability in libraries is increasing. Libraries are increasingly promoting the UN sustainable development goals and helping to increase e.g. the climate awareness.”
#climateawareness #libraries #carbonfootprint #library
We've messed up our planet, but we can still make a difference 💚🤠 #climatecrisis #greendreamer #climatehope #savethetrees #climateprotest #klima #acousticguitar #protestsinger #antifolk #climateawareness #klimakrise #greentomorrow
#ClimateCrisis #GreenDreamer #climatehope #savethetrees #climateprotest #klima #acousticguitar #protestsinger #AntiFolk #climateawareness #klimakrise #greentomorrow
Greta: “We already have all the facts and solutions” 💚💚💚
#GretaThunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateaction #climatestrike #klimastreik #noplanetb #klimapolitik #grønomstilling #bæredygtigfremtid #sustainablefuture #juststopoil #greendreamer #climateawareness
#gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateaction #climatestrike #klimastreik #noplanetb #klimapolitik #gronomstilling #bæredygtigfremtid #sustainablefuture #JustStopOil #GreenDreamer #climateawareness
Accidental selfie 😄 Trying to set up my phone to record, making sure that the angle is right and such 🤓 Getting ready to share songs about the climate crisis, sustainability and a minimalist lifestyle 💚 Taking a real good look in the mirror 👌 We can all do a little better, right? 🤠✌️
#wecandobetter #selfiefail #minimalist #climateawareness #greenvibes #greentomorrow #sustainablefuture #noplanetb #nomusiconadeadplanet #greendreamer #lessismore #danrose #danrosedk #personalperspective
#wecandobetter #selfiefail #minimalist #climateawareness #greenvibes #greentomorrow #sustainablefuture #noplanetb #nomusiconadeadplanet #GreenDreamer #lessismore #danrose #danrosedk #personalperspective
To everyone who ever belittled you and your climate awareness 💚
#climateaction #climatecrisis #globalwarming #ecoparalysis #climateanxiety #climatejustice #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #stoppollution #sustainablefuture #planetoverprofit #changeiscoming #gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateactivism #ecoanxiety #environmentalism #greendreamer #grønomstilling #klimatosse #bæredygtighed #savetheplanet #klimaschutz #climateawareness #climateapathy
#climateaction #ClimateCrisis #globalwarming #ecoparalysis #climateanxiety #climatejustice #musicdeclaresemergency #nomusiconadeadplanet #noplanetb #stoppollution #sustainablefuture #planetoverprofit #changeiscoming #gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climateactivism #ecoanxiety #environmentalism #GreenDreamer #gronomstilling #klimatosse #bæredygtighed #savetheplanet #klimaschutz #climateawareness #climateapathy
Discover the power of fiction & storytelling to raise awareness and tackle the #ClimateCrisis with Denise Baden (@DABadenauthor) & Steve Willis in the latest episode of my #ClimateConfident podcast🎙️
Link: https://www.climateconfidentpodcast.com/1329991/12201525-the-holodeck-of-climate-solutions-writing-a-better-future
#ClimateAwareness #SolutionStories #ClimateChange
#climatechange #solutionstories #climateawareness #climateconfident #climatecrisis
#Cycling is 10 times more important than #electric #cars #eCars for reaching #netZero cities
#EmissionReduction #emisions #decarbonisation #transport #climateCrisis #ClimateEmegency #climateAwareness
#climateawareness #ClimateEmegency #climatecrisis #transport #decarbonisation #emisions #emissionreduction #netzero #ecars #cars #electric #cycling
Just watched "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" with the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) and the Brigadier (Nicholas Courtney), the second adventure of Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) and simply had to pass on the wisdom of the Doctor to all the human residents of TERRA who are still blind to see what is coming.
#PollutionIsReal #GretaThunberg #ClimateAwareness #Umweltverschmutzung #DenktAnDieNächstenGenerationen #DieNaturBrauchtUnsNicht
#pollutionisreal #gretathunberg #climateawareness #umweltverschmutzung #denktandienachstengenerationen #dienaturbrauchtunsnicht
Diet, food waste & agriculture are key to tackling the climate crisis, as better management of all three can repair the carbon cycle. Food systems produce 30% of all greenhouse gas & are the leading driver of biodiversity loss, nutrient pollution and poor health. Conscious food choice is something readily within our power. By affecting demand & therefore policies and markets, we make strides towards more sustainable systems.
#theclimatebook #climatecrisis #ClimateEmergency #climateawareness
#theclimatebook #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climateawareness
Day 18 chaotic and unaware #ArtAdventCalendar #chaos #climate #decline #massextinction #climateawareness #climateactionnow #alttext #AltTxt #accessibilitymatters #globalwarming #digitalart #procreateart A chaos of patterns, colours, circles, lines, curves create a rather disjointed luminescent design. To show the world today and how we are oblivious to our own existence and what we are doing to our planet.
#ArtAdventCalendar #chaos #climate #decline #massextinction #climateawareness #climateactionnow #alttext #AltTxt #accessibilitymatters #globalwarming #digitalart #procreateart
Day 18 chaotic and unaware #chaos #climate #decline #massextinction #climateawareness #climateactionnow #alttext #AltTxt #accessibilitymatters #globalwarming #digitalart #procreateart A chaos of patterns, colours, circles, lines, curves create a rather disjointed luminescent design. To show the world today and how we are oblivious to our own existence and what we are doing to our planet.
#chaos #climate #decline #massextinction #climateawareness #climateactionnow #alttext #AltTxt #accessibilitymatters #globalwarming #digitalart #procreateart
"For even a small chance of staying in line with the 1.5°C target, our emissions must be in an unprecedented decline. But instead, in 2021, we saw the second-biggest emissions rise ever recorded."
Society is clearly struggling with 'mitigation denial': the need for deep cuts in emissions today is being substituted with empty promises of low-carbon technologies tomorrow.
#theclimatebook #climatecrisis #ClimateEmergency #climateawareness
#theclimatebook #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climateawareness
"For even a small chance of staying in line with the 1.5°C target, our emissions must be in an unprecedented decline. But instead, in 2021, we saw the second-biggest emissions rise ever recorded."
Society is clearly struggling with 'mitigation denial': the need for deep cuts in emissions today is being substituted with empty promises of low-carbon technologies tomorrow.
#theclimatebook #climatecrisis #ClimateEmergency #climateawareness
#theclimatebook #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climateawareness
Rainforest Connection and their system of Rainforest Guardians are working on saving the rainforest with smartphones. 📱
Learn about how they're doing it in the link below 👇
#rainforest #rainforests #climatechange #climateawareness
@Voka @parents4future @gretathunberg
Ja. Adding info re original airing date would have saved me 5 and many others minutes of data streaming.
I hope, P4F will remember that next time they up a video.
Also let's all be cautious with video uploads. This Fediverse doesn't have millions of dollars for server space and server broadband like other social media platforms do.
#LeanIT #climateawareness #ResourceUse #Fediverse #video