Two derelict wooden boarded grain elevators in a freezing cold blizzard in Montana. It was bitterly cold and there was very little visibility. It looks like they have been out of use for decades. #abandoned #abandonedamerica #USA #montana #winter #blizzard #climatebomb #snowbomb #nikon #photography
#abandoned #AbandonedAmerica #usa #montana #winter #blizzard #climatebomb #snowbomb #nikon #photography
Most of the media, most of the time, either ignore our environmental crisis, downplay it or deny it. The reason is not difficult to discern. Most of the media are owned by corporations or billionaires, who have a financial interest in sustaining business as usual.
#ClimateHeating #ClimateBomb #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #sustainability #ClimateJustice
#politics #economics #democracy #plutocracy
Further reading
#climateheating #climatebomb #climatechange #climateaction #sustainability #climatejustice #politics #economics #democracy #plutocracy
Good news! Constructive guidance on how to prevent an ecological catastrophe - but only if enough humans follow the scientific guidance (which they have not been doing historically)
A parable "You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink".
The 'key' posts that are pinned on my home profile & my blog generally use the science of psychology & ecology, and my personal experience in regard to discussing environmental topics with adults - to detail the behavioral psychological, sociopolitical, and socioeconomic issues that are preventing humans from mitigating their ecologically degrading activities.
The epistemology to success is included in the following 'key' articles. Conversely, success means that failures must be addressed (rather than ignoring them due to cognitive dissonance).
If the 'key' general plans are not followed by a sufficient quantity of key decision-makers - climate heating will decimate our societies (it's only a matter of when not if)
1. Wannabe dictators need only apply (mentions evil agents)
2. The concerning behavioral psychology of ecocide & how to stop it.
3. psychology 101 - explained in layperson's terms.
4. (May cause denial) Health damaging behaviors. Not safe for children.
5. The unpleasant psychology of the Darkside. (Age advisory rating 15+ or with adult supervision)
6. Democracy for grownups (Justice!).
7. The nepotism of plutocracy.
#ClimateChange #ClimateBomb #ClimateAction #climatejustice #science #nature #ClimateProtests #sucess #CircularEconomy #tech #food #ecology #EcologicalRestoration #flora #fauna #RenewableEnergy #wildlife #habitats #health #biosphere #forests #rivers #oceans #ecology #sustainabilty #CitizensAssembly #CircularEconomy
#ClimateHeating #heatwaves #droughts #famine #inhabitable #SpeciesExtinction #corporate #ecocide #politics #business #FossilFuels #WoodFuels #mining #pollution #corporations #money #greed #apathy #coruption #Greenwash #deception #AirPollution #dementia #cancer #diseases #RespiratoryDiseases #heartAttacks #strokes #plastic #pollution
#EvolutionaryBiology #Neuroscience #CogntivePsychology #SocialPsychology #DevelopmentalPsychology #Cognitive #dissonance #psychological #VirtueSignaling #heuristics #CognitiveDissonance
#organisms #plants #animals, #fungi #bacteria #mammals #HomoSapiens #evolution #NaturalSelection #SexualSelection #GeneticMutations #biology #biotic #NervousSystem
#SocialMedia #Twitter, #Facebook, #YouTube #Mastodon #abiotic #technologies
#WoodFuels #mining #pollution #plastic #CogntivePsychology #cognitivedissonance #animals #fungi #bacteria #mammals #homosapiens #evolution #naturalselection #money #greed #apathy #coruption #greenwash #deception #airpollution #dementia #cancer #diseases #respiratorydiseases #heartattacks #strokes #evolutionarybiology #neuroscience #socialpsychology #developmentalpsychology #cognitive #dissonance #psychological #virtuesignaling #heuristics #organisms #plants #sexualselection #geneticmutations #biology #biotic #nervoussystem #socialmedia #twitter #facebook #youtube #mastodon #abiotic #technologies #climatechange #climatebomb #climateaction #climatejustice #science #nature #climateprotests #sucess #circulareconomy #tech #food #ecology #ecologicalrestoration #flora #fauna #renewableenergy #wildlife #habitats #health #biosphere #forests #rivers #oceans #sustainabilty #citizensassembly #climateheating #heatwaves #droughts #famine #inhabitable #speciesextinction #corporate #ecocide #politics #business #fossilfuels #corporations
Ally and #ecophilosophy friend, Rupert Read... please watch and share, if you are able. Thank you! #climatebomb #systems #nature #anthropogenic #anthropocene
#anthropocene #anthropogenic #nature #systems #climatebomb #ecophilosophy
🖤❤️💚 #AmazonasOrBolsonaro #ClimateBomb
Breaking :A Climate Bomb is about to get off. Bolsonaro’s Allie’s are rushing to legalize mining indigenous lands. If they succeed , the whole world will feel the heat.We can and we must stop the Arsonists. Which side are you?!
#climatebomb #AmazonasOrBolsonaro
🖤❤️💚 #AmazonasOrBolsonaro #ClimateBomb
Breaking :A Climate Bomb is about to get off. Bolsonaro’s Allie’s are rushing to legalize mining indigenous lands. If they succeed , the whole world will feel the heat.We can and we must stop the Arsonists. Which side are you?!
#climatebomb #AmazonasOrBolsonaro
#ClimateEmergency #climatebomb
#AmazonOrBolsonaro #climateemergency #climatebomb
#ClimateEmergency #climatebomb
#climatebomb #ClimateEmergency #AmazonOrBolsonaro