The EU ETS carbon price has risen to €97.47/t CO2 eq.
The fine for emitting a tonne without an allowance is €100/t.
Time to increase the fine!
Also time to include extra-EU flights, and shipping, include imported embedded carbon, the half of emissions not covered etc.
#climatechane #ClimateCrisis #co2
#news #climate #climatechane #terrorism #sabotage #economy #newnormal #greatreset #scam #crime #communism #politics #airport #culture #UK #europe
#news #climate #climatechane #terrorism #sabotage #economy #newnormal #greatreset #scam #crime #communism #politics #airport #culture #uk #europe
Took advantage of the warm weather (another 60F day in February?!) for a King Tide bike tour of Dorchester and Boston Harbors to see the effects of the new moon high tide. Surprisingly minor flooding on Morrissey Blvd, I think the strong offshore breeze helped. Tenean Beach was a lagoon. #boston #bike #climatechane
Perennial crops to replace some of the annual crops, are potentially one solution brick to lessen & adapt to climate change, irrigation issues, soil erosion, flooding, drought, overuse of fertilisers & worrying levels of soil depletion.
#Climate #ClimateChane #Agriculture #Environment #FoodSustainability #Farming #Crops #FoodProduction #Sustainability
#Climate #climatechane #agriculture #environment #foodsustainability #farming #crops #foodproduction #sustainability
Low energy efficiency standards cost owners of new homes £234m last year | #EnergyEfficiency | The Guardian
The #Tories have a history of not caring about what happens to the environment and it’ll cost all of us dear.
#energyefficiency #tories #uk #globalwarming #climatechane #CarbonTargets
#Arctic has #warmest #winter on #record: ‘Never seen anything like this’ | World news | The Guardian
#arctic #warmest #winter #record #environment #climatechane #globalwarming
#Melting #Arctic #icecap falls to well below average | #Environment | The Guardian
#melting #arctic #icecap #environment #globalwarming #climatechane