Rebecca Solnit: Fossil fuels kill more people than Covid. Why are we so blind to the harms of oil and gas? Were we able to perceive afresh the sheer scale of fossil fuel impact we might be horrified, but because this is an old problem too many don’t see it as a problem
#globalwarming #fossilfuels #ClimateChang
#globalwarming #fossilfuels #climatechang
Ahh yes, nothing says wellbeing like helping destroy the enviorment with high emsiions (the irony as the cyclone is amped up by fossil fuel emsions) like flying internationally to NZ , burning fuel in a jet boat and wandering whimsically around in a campervan burning endless diesel while boasting about it on social media :(
Am I a terrible person for pointing this out ? Up to you dear reader but then isn't this some of the very problem that is #ClimateChang really high emitting behaviors just given a pass and not called out ? Or perhaps become defensive and use some WhatAboutIsm to point out someone elses high emissions and... no ones at fault here ? Do we not call out racism, or antisemitism or fascism or drunk driving ? Or...
#vanlife #motorhome #campervan #rv #travel #roadtrip #nomad #aotearoa #nz #newzealand #curiosity #rewilding #exploring #wellbeing
#climatechang #vanlife #motorhome #campervan #rv #travel #roadtrip #nomad #aotearoa #nz #newzealand #curiosity #rewilding #exploring #wellbeing
British runner’s stand on climate change shows there is no movement in sports world #climatechang #climatecris
Environment friendlier airtravel might not be a bad idea
The new age of the airship: Could blimps be the future of air travel? - BBC Science Focus Magazine
#blimps #dirigible #airships #climatechang
Man With Sign, Dec. 22, 2022
It's cold again out here, in the mid-20s F. I walk up to Roosevelt Circle at 7:32, the caffeine starting to kick in strongly as I clamp my big sign to the railing and hold up CLIMATE CHAOS INCREASES THE LIKELIHOOD OF THE NEXT PANDEMIC.
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChang #CitizenActivism #HindustaniMusic
#ClimateCrisis #climatechang #citizenactivism #Hindustanimusic
This would be great to save energy if you have time. I agree about the calming factor as well. #climatechang #carbonfootprint #saveenergy #mentalhealth
#climatechang #carbonfootprint #saveenergy #mentalhealth
#Refugees sadly proof, that universal human rights don't exist. The human rights court of EU now approved the regulations that humans can count as not being in a country while physically being present there is not violating #HumanRights and EU principles.
Thus refugees that have not legally crossed the borders can be maltreated with no legal consequence, without appropriate jurisdiction and can instantly be returned, while those legally crossing can be refused entrance after a 24h screeing and be returned into one of Europes external #ConcentrationCamps.
When it comes to #Racism Politicians of all flavours unite. Looks like #Europe is well prepared to exterminate #ClimateChang caused refugee waves.
#refugees #humanrights #concentrationcamps #racism #europe #climatechang #frontex #fortresseurope #refugeecrisis #climateemergency
Peter D. Carter:
Climate Change Will Put a Drag on U.S. Corn, Soy and Wheat Harvests by 2030. Extreme weather situation looking bad for U.S. food future.
#foodsecurity #climatechang #globalwarming
El Panel sobre Cambio Climático de Naciones Unidas alerta: es urgente actuar para evitar una catástrofe climática.
Reducir emisiones, apostar por la sostenibilidad y cambiar nuestro sistema productivo. Ese es el camino y no hay tiempo que perder. #IPCC
RT @IPCC_CH: The evidence is clear: the time for action is now. We can halve emissions by 2030.
The #IPCC has just released its latest #ClimateReport on the mitigation of #climatechang…
#IPCC #ClimateReport #climatechang