“Maize may stop being viable in the eastern United States.… Coffee struggles with extreme temperatures.” In the next two decades, climate change is going to bring huge changes in what farmers plant and what we eat. Spiffy, if depressing, infographic in the Economist, based on the work of Thomas Pugh et al. in Nature Communications. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/11/10/climate-change-will-force-farmers-to-reshuffle-what-is-grown-where #ClimateChangeNews
Very promising #green #technology coming out as of late. These sorts of things could really make a difference with #climate change. My big concern/question is: How easily can these new technologies be deployed en masse? It's gotta have a low barrier of entry to be that catalyst the world needs.
#GreenTech #GreenTechnology #ClimateChange #ClimateChangeNow #ClimateChangeNews
#green #technology #climate #greentech #greentechnology #climatechange #climatechangenow #climatechangenews
Birdapp refugee looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #ClimateChange #COVIDisAirborne #Antifascist #Antifa #HighRisk #Masks #LongCovid #cPTSD #Neurodivergent #Ebola #ReproductiveRights #SexworkerInclusiveFeminism #SexWorkAdvocacy #DecrimSexWork #Privacy #Cybersecurity #Leftism #HarmReduction #Collapse #FreePress #Surveillance #MentalHealth #NAFO #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climateChangeNews #Infosec #FirearmsEducation #SelfReliance #PrepperTips #Preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #SexWorkAdvocacy #DecrimSexWork #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftism #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #infosec #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
Birdapp refugee still figuring things out but looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #antifascist #antifa #highrisk #masks #longcovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #cybersecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #NAFO #COVID19 #feminism #lableaktheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk