OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
206 followers · 482 posts · Server hear-me.social

Canada in the Year 2060


Summers lost to fire and smoke. Biblical floods. Dying forests. Retreating coasts. Economic turmoil and political unrest. It’s going to be a weird century. Here’s what it will look like—and how Canada can get through it.

#canada #climatecollapse #turmoil #unrest #floods #dying #forests #survival

Last updated 1 year ago

smeg · @smeg
705 followers · 5986 posts · Server assortedflotsam.com
T Chu 朱 · @chu
463 followers · 2483 posts · Server climatejustice.social

The corporate oligarchs are reminding us again and again that they will not stop murdering us. If we have a problem with mass murder, that is just too bad. They don't care how many dead bodies there are in the .

The only thing that will stop them is complete societal overthrow.

They are forcing us closer and closer to that day. Hungry peasants will overthrow an empire. Always give people a way out. If you give us the choice between death and a fight, you will get a fight to the death.

The oil men are forcing our hands into a fight to the death.


#climatecollapse #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

smeg · @smeg
695 followers · 5787 posts · Server assortedflotsam.com

3-Fold Punishment System (2/4)

Let's say, you wanna save the world from , but the measures you take have a strong economic drawback.

In that case, you will not be just punished by the drawback itself, but by a neoliberal invented multilayer system of punishment, that makes state based market interference only possible when neutral in costs, or when the states economy and its tax payers is very strong.

So, here we go ...

#neoliberal #climatecollapse

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Lord · @stevelord
1020 followers · 951 posts · Server bladerunner.social

Amazing video with Arthur Keller on Ecological footprint, biocapacity and ecological overshoot and possible outcomes from a system dynamics perspective: youtube.com/watch?v=qPb_0JZ6-R
If you're suffering from climate anxiety but are still holding on to a sense of sustainable business-as-usual then this might not be the right video for you, but if you've moved on from that it's well worth a watch.

#climatechange #climatecollapse

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Lord · @stevelord
1020 followers · 962 posts · Server bladerunner.social
Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
342 followers · 577 posts · Server climatejustice.social


Well, for one thing, if each government stubbornly insists on avoiding the application of MMT we'll be in big trouble, I think. I'm neither expert in nor a regular evangelist for MMT, but I have been gradually persuaded that its advocates are speaking sense and that monetary availability is better controllable than we're letting it be. There are thongs that must be done and done now, not later, so even if we have to print money to do them, that's what we need to do.

The REAL problem seems to me to be the fatalistic theory that markets are smarter than people and must be left to themselves, that the mythical Unseen Hand never fails. Sometimes timelines matter, and during Covid capitalism did (pardon use of technical term) crap to help. Gloves, lysol, tests, toilet paper were all in short supply because the Unseen Hand of the unfettered free market just was not interested.

Since I doubt the feasability of replacing capitalism wholesale, even as I recognize it as a key part of the problem, a change to stakeholder capitalism is essential so that corporate leaders can make decisions in the interest of entities other than The Almighty Shareholders, and be graded on such. Under stakeholder theory, entities like the general public and the environment, including a habitable climate, start to matter again.

Meanwhile, any focus on debt is a potentially very bad thing just now. Monetary availability for spending on necessary climate issues is key, to the point that they could and likely should block out all else society does for a while if the public really understood the threat. Avoiding a climate disaster needs to be humanity's key buskness just now if we don't want disaster recovery and, frankly, just plain death to be humanity's key business soon.

It is as if the people we trust to tell us what is right are comfortable with the preposterous notion that if we get debt in order but fail to prevent climate change's rapid onset, all will be well, and if we get climate under control but are left with debt, that's a disaster. That cannot be allowed to stand.

I know Mastodon readers are globally distributed, but speaking from a US-centric point of view for just a moment, since national debt here infects many conversations, I have to think the world will much more easily forgive us some debt if we stop destroying the climate than they will praise us for tightening our debt position at the expense of human civilization being laid to waste. And the choice is just that stark.

(Also, don't even get me started on "growth" as an economic metric of health. If we don't figure out a way to measure health sime other way, that alone will be the siren call leading us to foul our finite nest. We must come up with ways to measure, target and enforce sustainability and to seriously, even criminally, penalize exploitation of externalities for profit.)

#environment #capitalism #climate #nationaldebt #mmt #StakeholderTheory #stakeholdercapitalism #economy #environmentaljustice #degrowth #sustainability #debt #climatecollapse #ClimateCatastrophe #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago

JeugdzorgToots · @JeugdzorgToots
116 followers · 3166 posts · Server mastodon.nl

@volkskrant Lekker veel positieve woorden bij een wanstaltig slecht beleid.
Welke nitwit typt zoiets.
Openbaar vervoer duurder maken tijdens

#climatecollapse #nos

Last updated 1 year ago

Markus Feilner :verified: · @mfeilner
686 followers · 4547 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Future Hellfutures · @tailblock
49 followers · 383 posts · Server kolektiva.social

German and French governments intensifying the “anti-terror” police tactics against climate protestors, criminalizing anyone who uses a bit of social disorder while the state perpetuates a linear path to global breakdown. It just melts my mind that governments think they can preserve their tenuous power by jailing a few protestors when around the bend a mass population is about to get a deep drink of climate collapse, inevitably propelling them into an upheaval no police force can suppress or politician survive. Good luck, pigs and bureaucrats! reuters.com/world/europe/after

#ClimateCrisis #climatecollapse #germany #france #police #protest

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Lord · @stevelord
1016 followers · 911 posts · Server bladerunner.social


(I know the slowly boiling frog thing isn't real, but it's still a useful metaphor)

#climatechange #climatecollapse #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

smeg · @smeg
694 followers · 5629 posts · Server assortedflotsam.com
sarfeo · @sarfeo
32 followers · 52 posts · Server toad.social

As heat records break, the climate movement has the right answers – but the words are all wrong | Jonathan Freedland | The Guardian


#agw #climatebreakdown #climatecollapse

Last updated 1 year ago

not ch1c · @cthon1c
383 followers · 1031 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I like Paul Beckwith’s frank approach to in these updates and here he’s discussing the global rise of as another (runaway?) in the failing system


#collapse #climate #fascism #feedback #climatecollapse #nazisfuckoff

Last updated 1 year ago

JoeChip · @JoeChip
377 followers · 2546 posts · Server mstdn.social


via @joechip@libranet.de@libranet.de

We have reached a do-or-die moment in climate & eco-system collapse. I argue that a gradualist approach is no longer possible.

#collectiveaction #climatecollapse #Climate

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
144 followers · 102 posts · Server hear-me.social

The Later We Stop, The Worse the Result


Each corporate sector bribes Congress. Their conflicting interests doom us to an early death on a dying planet with our children cursing our existence.
—Tom Wells, here

everything they do screams they don’t work for you… yet you still do not hear.

#classwar #climatecollapse #bribery #climateaction #directaction #corruptgovernment #governmentinaction #indirectplutocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
143 followers · 94 posts · Server hear-me.social
OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
140 followers · 64 posts · Server hear-me.social

The Profound Loneliness of Being Collapse Aware


Knowing that civilization is going to collapse can be a profoundly lonely experience. Let’s find one other and enjoy the time we have left.

#climatecollapse #foodchaincollapse #lonliness #despair #socialpsychology

Last updated 1 year ago

smeg · @smeg
685 followers · 5422 posts · Server assortedflotsam.com