Hi Rob, thanks for the follow.
I am hoping I might tempt you to write up something from your experience at EALS about the effect on, eg Nepal, of the climate crisis and attempts to mitigate it.
The area I know a little about having lived there for a large part of my life, is India/Pakistan.
I (& you?) am worried about differing attitudes to the #ClimateCrisi in the #GlobalSouth. #De-growth and de-industrialisation sounds less appealing to the poor there than to us?
#climatecrisi #globalsouth #de
Dutch landscape
#drawing #drawings #cubeandsphere #tekeninigen #tekening #roundup #climatechance #climate #climatecrisi #Xorkycartoon #landschap
#landschap #xorkycartoon #climatecrisi #climate #climatechance #roundup #tekening #tekeninigen #cubeandsphere #drawings #drawing
Nejde jen o neobvyklé a extrémní počasí. Je to #klimatickánouze
#IPCC se tento týden schází, aby schválil poslední část Šesté hodnotící zprávy, která nám poskytne úplný příběh #klimatickékrize a jejího řešení 👀
RT @greenpeace
It’s not just unusual and extreme weather. It’s a #ClimateEmergency.
The #IPCC is meeting this week to approve the final instalment of the Sixth Assessment Report to give us the full story of the #ClimateCrisi…
#klimatickanouze #ipcc #klimatickekrize #climateemergency #climatecrisi
RT @CodeRedEarth@twitter.com
Past month's work
#TellTheTruth be relentless!
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#ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisi
251 IMAGES/QUOTES #Solidarity 👊✔️ https://t.co/FzKdiFzABV
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CodeRedEarth/status/1576643413377970176
#climatememes #tellthetruth #climateemergency #climatecrisi #solidarity
This is the reality of climate crisis. That's why the wealthy, who are responsible for the emissions, need to be taxed: partly to cut their spending power; partly to pay for the damage they continue to do unabated, oblivious of the genocide they're complicit in.
RT @Greenpeace: More than a third of Pakistan has been completely submerged by catastrophic floods. The country is on the frontline of the #climatecrisi…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinerowett/status/1567038366251683843