Any animators / illustrators / media-makers who dig #DragonBallZ, and want to try and bring a #climate crossover script to life? Either way, check it out — you might enjoy the read!
#script #video #media #action #fanfic #ClimateEmergency #Goku #Vegeta #EVs #transit #JohnWick #IronMan #speculativefiction #fanfic #climatefiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #art #agitprop #graphicnovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #LandBack #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #BigOil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #morethanhuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #mutualaid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #postgrowth #Piccolo #kingkai #trunks
#dragonballz #climate #script #Video #media #action #fanfic #climateemergency #goku #vegeta #evs #transit #JohnWick #ironman #speculativefiction #ClimateFiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #Art #agitprop #graphicNovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #landback #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #bigoil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #moreThanHuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #MutualAid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #PostGrowth #piccolo #kingkai #trunks
We should be in open revolt against the climate crisis I think, talking to you from the city with the worst air quality in the world today #montreal
#climatechange #climateaction #climatecrisis #canada #canadawildfires #extinctionrebellion #climatedefiance
#montreal #climatechange #climateaction #climatecrisis #Canada #canadawildfires #extinctionrebellion #climatedefiance
My photos from Climate Defiance blockade of White House Correspondents Dinner.
#whitehousecorrespondentsdinner #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #climatedefiance #washingtondc #joebiden #photojournalism
#WhiteHouseCorrespondentsDinner #climateemergency #ClimateCrisis #climatedefiance #WashingtonDC #joebiden #photojournalism
#ClimateCampaigners Stage Blockade at White House Correspondents Dinner
"We disrupted the rich and powerful because Joe Biden's approval of deadly new oil and gas projects is killing the planet," said the campaign group #ClimateDefiance. "We will continue to disrupt until we end fossil fuels.
"The president promised us an end to new leasing on federal lands but failed to deliver. Now, he needs to hear from the voting bloc that delivered him the 2022 midterm elections"
#climatecampaigners #climatedefiance
If you're sick and tired of the government's inaction on climate,
come join us this weekend in DC for Climate Defiance!
#ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climatedefiance
On 4/29 I'll be traveling to Washington DC with Extinction Rebellion Boston comrades to join up with Climate Defiance to blockade the White House Correspondents Dinner to demand an end to fossil fuel extraction on public lands.
Join us! Sign up at
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #NoNewFossilFuels #climatedefiance #ExtinctionRebellion
#ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #NoNewFossilFuels #climatedefiance #extinctionrebellion
@joebiden #nonewfossilfuels
Can't stop, won't stop.
We just shut down YET ANOTHER keynote address by the White House Climate Czar.
As hundreds of elite policymakers looked on, we forced him to flee the stage.
If they make our world unlivable, we will be ungovernable.
join us
#climatedefiance #NoNewFossilFuels
#ClimateDiary the fantatastic and brave people of #ClimateDefiance staged another great protest yesterday, disrupting a keynote address by the #WhiteHouse #ClmateZsar. Well done! @ahinz @SaintPalermo Let’s hope Climate Defiance soon gain greater presence here on #Mastodon #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction
#ClimateDiary #climatedefiance #whitehouse #clmatezsar #mastodon #climateemergency #ClimateAction
Climate Activists SHUT DOWN Top Biden Advisor's Event After He Approves Willow Project
#ClimateDefiance #NoNewLeases #StopWillow #ClimateEmergency #KeepItInTheGround #LandBack #ReparationsNow #StopCopCity
#climatedefiance #NoNewLeases #stopwillow #climateemergency #keepitintheground #landback #ReparationsNow #StopCopCity
#ClimateDefiance ##KeepItInTheGround #NoNewLeases #Baltimore
Hey, I’m helping organize a mass turnout to disrupt the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner at the end of April to demand a halt to fossil-fuel leases. This takes money.
Please attend or support the Climate Defiance launch party and fundraiser with keynote speaker Bill McKibben March 22 6-8pm at the Brookland Busboys and Poets!!!
re About Climate Defiance:
We are a brand-new, youth-led, grassroots organizing collective focused on using peaceful, nonviolent direct action to resist fossil fuels. Our first demand is that President Biden end all fossil fuel leasing on federal lands. We will not shy away from confrontation and disruption. Our world is in a state of emergency and we plan to act accordingly. This April, we will sit-in at the White House Correspondents Dinner - those of us who are able will engage in a bold act of nonviolent, civil disobedience there.
Our mission:
—End fossil fuel extraction on federal lands and waters.
—End sacrifice zones and usher in a just transition for those most impacted.
—Stand in solidarity with our sister-struggles for racial and economic justice.
—Deploy mass turnout, disruptive direct action to compel politicians to act with the urgency this moment deserves.
—Elevate climate change to a top-three political issue in American politics.
—Make support for any fossil fuels as unacceptable on the left as opposing abortion or gay marriage.
—Change the terms of the debate. Move the Overton Window.
—Make clear to left-wing lawmakers that the youth vote will only deliver for them if they deliver for us.
re Bill McKibben: Widely recognized as one of the world's preeminent climate activists, Bill McKibben is a founder of 350 and Third Act. McKibben is the Schumann Distinguished Professor in Residence at Middlebury College, and the author of over a dozen books including Earth and The End of Nature
#climatedefiance #keepitintheground #NoNewLeases #baltimore
the math ain’t mathin @joebiden
Our leaders have failed to save us. So we will save ourselves.
We aim not to work within the current political reality. We aim to change it.
We can do it. We have leverage.
The laws of nature do not care what’s “realistically feasible.” And neither do we.
We will use mass-turnout, peaceful direct action to force our politicians to take action at the scope and speed necessary to avert the worst impacts of this crisis.
Join us.
April 29, 2023