Franziska Albrecht · @franzi
338 followers · 1050 posts · Server

I had a conversation with a mother yesterday, while her daughter was walking and petting my dog.
She: "I'm so happy it's finally warm now!"
Her daughter, the dog, and I: "Uh, we're about to die from heatstroke here..."
She: "I feel so sorry for the people who went to Greece, Italy, and the Canary Islands for their summer vacation. Those fires are awful. We want to fly to Tenerife next year. I hope it doesn't burn too much now."
I seriously considered grabbing and shaking her.


Last updated 1 year ago

Franziska Albrecht · @franzi
313 followers · 797 posts · Server

I've been to a lot of scary work meetings. Once, the person in charge said about the political situation in our host country: "this is the beginning of the end, we are back in 1933". Several times, I was told by my boss that there were people out there planning to kill us.

Yesterday, I attended a meeting opened by the person moderating with the words: "The seven hottest days in the last 100,000 years all occurred in the last two weeks." That's a new level of scary.


Last updated 1 year ago

Franziska Albrecht · @franzi
297 followers · 755 posts · Server

Freund in Berlin textet "Es regnet!" Als Kind hätte ich nie gedacht, dass ich das mal feiern würde wie den ersten warmen Sommertag. Hier im Süden füllt gerade ein Gewitter die Regentonne und ich sehe den Garten förmlich aufatmen.


Last updated 1 year ago

Maggie · @Hesperalis
217 followers · 1467 posts · Server

While the police arrest just stop oil protesters, I've just spoken to my sister who lives on the edge of the Campsies near Glasgow. There is a 5 mile wide wildfire going on right now, but you wouldn't no it fro the usual news sources.

#climatediaries #wildfires

Last updated 1 year ago

Franziska Albrecht · @franzi
293 followers · 918 posts · Server

Traf heute Morgen bei der Hunderunde einen Nachbarn, der gerade seine Hecke schnitt. Nachdem er den Hund begrüßt hatte, meinte er zu mir (im Sommerkleid, schwitzend): "Bisschen kühl heute, wa? Kann aber noch wärmer werden."
Woraufhin ich nur sagen konnte: "Ich befürchte, ja." - Um uns rum alles staubtrocken und das Gras verwandelt sich grade am Halm in Heu, weil es seit Wochen nicht geregnet hat.


Last updated 1 year ago

Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
1526 followers · 2745 posts · Server

@bridgetmck thank you SO much Bridget! Really really nice to see it grounded here so quickly. I hope can become a good, meaningful extension of the project

#climatediaries #ExtremeWeatherStories

Last updated 2 years ago