EVs, plant based diet, green fertilisers…what are we waiting for ? #climateemergencynow
"Faucets poised to run dry for hundreds of Arizona residents by year's end" 👇
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/faucets-poised-run-dry-hundreds-arizona-residents-years-end-rcna57550?s=09 #drought #climatecrisis #climateemergencynow
#drought #climatecrisis #climateemergencynow
Far too slow progress at #COP27, says Niklas Höhne (#Mastodon404)
“Front runners like the 🇪🇺need to offer new climate targets in advance”
#cop27 #mastodon404 #climateemergencynow
RT @timperceval@twitter.com
World still ‘on brink of climate catastrophe’ after Cop27 deal.
Complete and utter failure.
#ClimateEmergencyNow https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/20/world-still-on-brink-of-climate-catastrophe-after-cop27-deal?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/timperceval/status/1594620920412442624
Don’t worry - yesterday they announced planet B would be habitable in 10 years 🤬
Throw away society on speed.
#ClimateEmergency is now
RT @timperceval@twitter.com
Big oil lobbyists celebrate at yet another COP successfully derailed.
Exceeding 1.5C now inevitable, life on Earth in grave danger, but at least they'll be even more stinking rich!
#ClimateEmergencyNow https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/20/we-can-do-the-impossible-how-key-players-reacted-to-end-of-cop27-climate-summit?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/timperceval/status/1594272149656961024
#climateemergency #climateemergencynow
#Cold #Selfie #Airport #Peru #climateemergencynow
Peruvian couple caught in unexpected cold weather ask if they inadvertently walked into fanfiction sequel to that old t.v. series #Lost? You know the one? It was set on a tropical island which had a polar bear and underground bunkers. Started enjoyable but got boring pretty quick and ended lame. What was that all about?
I blame #Lost for #Trump. And for cold weather in Peru. In fact I blame it for everything.
Now I want to rewatch it! No!
#Trump #lost #climateemergencynow #peru #airport #selfie #cold
At current rates we'll run out of the carbon budget to hold global temperature increase to 1.5C ... in 9 years. 30 years for 2C. And our burn rate is still increasing, not even stabilizing
The carbon budget crunch from The Economist Espresso http://espresso.economist.com/2fc0af0cd7f6ad678a8bf45699f52e94
#environment #economist #climateemergencynow #climatechange #CarbonImpact