Gizmodo: 41 Million Americans Are Simmering on Urban Heat Islands #cityofphoenixarizona #urbanheatisland #climateforcing #climatecentral #climatechange #coolpavement #urbanization #environment #petergirard #climatology #heatwave #grist
#cityofphoenixarizona #urbanheatisland #climateforcing #climatecentral #climatechange #coolpavement #urbanization #environment #petergirard #climatology #heatwave #grist
Gizmodo: Plant a Trillion Trees and Pump That Gas, House Speaker Says #climatechangeintheunitedstates #climatechangemitigation #carbondioxideremoval #climatechangepolicy #carbonneutrality #forestmanagement #climateforcing #thomascrowther #greenhousegas #reforestation #kevinmccarthy #climatechange #treeplanting #donaldtrump #environment #rondesantis #scottperry #gregabbot
#climatechangeintheunitedstates #climatechangemitigation #carbondioxideremoval #climatechangepolicy #carbonneutrality #forestmanagement #climateforcing #thomascrowther #greenhousegas #reforestation #kevinmccarthy #climatechange #treeplanting #donaldtrump #environment #rondesantis #scottperry #gregabbot
Gizmodo: Underground Heat Is Sinking Our Cities, Study Says #urbanheatisland #climateforcing #climatechange #urbanization #environment #climatology #rottaloria
#urbanheatisland #climateforcing #climatechange #urbanization #environment #climatology #rottaloria
NASA Visualization Offers a Disturbing Glimpse of All That Carbon in Our Atmosphere #greenhousegasemissions #disasteraccident #carbonmonitoring #carbonfootprint #climateforcing #carbondioxide #carbonfinance #climatechange #environment #waterways
#greenhousegasemissions #disasteraccident #carbonmonitoring #carbonfootprint #climateforcing #carbondioxide #carbonfinance #climatechange #environment #waterways
#NewPaperAlert. #Hydrogen is not the panacea for #aviation that some make it out to be. It can come with substantial #ClimateForcing, depending on the production route and the routing of the #airplane. Limiting #AirTravel becomes more urgent with these results.
#airTravel #airplane #climateforcing #Aviation #hydrogen #newpaperalert
Post-Drought Groundwater Storage Recovery In California's Central Valley
-- <-- shared paper
[the recent precipitation notwithstanding!]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #watermanagement #waterconservation #waterindustry #watercrisis #waterresources #watersecurity #watersector #hydrology #groundwater #depletion #mining #groundwaterdepletion #pumping #recharge #modeling #spatialanalysis #resourcemanagement #resourcerecovery #drought #climatechange #precipitation #California #CentralValley #planning #future #management #remotesensing #satellite #GRACE #waterbalance #model #aquifer #storage #climateforcing #parameters #pumping #restrictions #agriculture #food #wells #wells #regulations #waterrights #extraction
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #watermanagement #waterconservation #waterindustry #watercrisis #waterresources #watersecurity #watersector #groundwater #depletion #mining #groundwaterdepletion #pumping #recharge #modeling #spatialanalysis #resourcemanagement #resourcerecovery #drought #climatechange #precipitation #California #centralvalley #planning #future #management #remotesensing #satellite #grace #waterbalance #model #aquifer #storage #climateforcing #parameters #restrictions #agriculture #Food #wells #regulations #waterrights #extraction
Interesting paper showing that passive degassing of sulfur (S) from volcanoes is probably much higher than previously thought.
This implies the baseline of naturally occurring S is also higher.
The implication is that the anthropocentric aerosol forcing (at least for the aerosol direct effect) is smaller than previously estimated.
which, IMHO, emphasizes how little human can put in the air to mess things up.
#volcano #climateforcing #climatechange
This is scary
#GlobalWarming could be a lot worse than previously estimated due to higher equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) ~4C. Also human aerosols have hidden the effect more than expected.
There might be already +10C of global warming locked in 🫠😭😭😱 I really hope they are wrong... #NorskTut #Allheimen #klimakrise #ClimateCrisis #ClimateForcing
#globalwarming #Norsktut #allheimen #klimakrise #ClimateCrisis #climateforcing