“While some people may think a wildfire is a disaster for a forest, @DDellasala@twitter.com says the real disaster is what can happen if the area is heavily logged after such an event. The process can impede the forest’s recovery by compacting soils and killing the associated microbial communities that are important for a healthy, biodiverse ecosystem.” via @Revelator_News@twitter.com #ClimateForests https://therevelator.org/postfire-logging-ecology/
“The US is begging for forest protection in other nations while leveling mature and old-growth trees on our own national forests...recklessly selling off our children and grandchildren’s future.” #ClimateForests #WorthMoreStanding #SavePublicForests
#climateforests #worthmorestanding #savepublicforests
Well produced short video on mature and old growth #ClimateForests in PNW featuring @DDellasala via @mongabay. User-friendly stats useful for quotes. #LetThemStand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SA-uGLfqIY
RT @RAN@twitter.com
A new report by #ClimateForests profiles 12 projects on U.S. public lands that will log thousands of acres of mature & old-growth forest! As the world gathers to find climate solutions at #COP27, U.S. agencies are actively undermining forest protection. https://earthjustice.org/news/press/2022/report-u-s-agencies-undermine-bidens-pledge-to-protect-climate-saving-forests