First Dog on the Moon is getting real.
"We are all alone in this grief."
#collapse #climategrief #climatecrisis #climatechange
Bit wordy for my liking but talks about building critical hope bottom up in education.
How to convert climate grief and anxiety into hope in higher education | Wonkhe
#climateaction #climategrief #climateanxiety #highereducation
#climateaction #climategrief #climateanxiety #highereducation
"What amount of warming puts Greenland into irreversible loss? That's what will destroy all the coastal cities on earth. The answer is between 2 and 3 degrees."
A nice article on #ClimateGrief and the guy who said we are f*ed
For the people who follow climate news, we are now at about 1,8 warming ?
dear #ClimateDiary this post made me think about #ClimateGrief and how reading other peoples thoughts here helps me process that feeling that I had seasons with snow and my kids will have seasons with fire.
and how I am so unprepared to teach them what they will need to know.
just trying to build memories of outdoor activities now - while we still can.
An article by a climate scientist on handling climate grief.
@ClimateNewsNow Climate grief, I was searching for a word in my own Dutch language, to express my feelings these days. This is it, #ClimateGrief. You have moved me directly into tears 🌎❤️🔥
"Beyond #ClimateGrief"
#ClimateAnxiety #Solastalgia #Symbiocene #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateDoom #EcoInspiration #EcoHope #ClimateChange #Climate #DRR #Doomerism #Doomism #Anthropocene #Futurism
#climategrief #climateanxiety #Solastalgia #symbiocene #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #ClimateDoom #EcoInspiration #ecohope #ClimateChange #climate #DRR #doomerism #Doomism #anthropocene #futurism
"Environmental #Psychology for a Better Future: Glenn Albrecht shifts us from environmental distress to positive action."
#ClimateAnxiety #ClimateGrief #Solastalgia #Symbiocene #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateDoom #EcoInspiration #EcoHope #ClimateChange #Climate #DRR #Doomerism #Doomism #Anthropocene #Futurism
#psychology #climateanxiety #climategrief #Solastalgia #symbiocene #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #ClimateDoom #EcoInspiration #ecohope #ClimateChange #climate #DRR #doomerism #Doomism #anthropocene #futurism
Flowers, bees. Beauty.
All on Climate chopping block.
Nor are we immune.
#haiku #senryu #poem #beauty #photo #flowers #thistle #Climate #ClimateGrief #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis
#haiku #senryu #poem #beauty #photo #flowers #thistle #climate #climategrief #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis
#Florida’s Record-Breaking Sea Temperatures Affecting #Coral
Story by Catrin Einhorn and Jason Gulley, July 31, 2023
"With #climateChange ravaging Florida’s beloved reef, people who’ve devoted their careers to restoring coral in the sea are now racing to get it out of the water, to tanks on land. They’re pushing through feelings of grief and fear over the future to save what genetic material and young corals they can. But in the background, an existential question looms: How can they restore reefs if the ocean is getting too hot for coral to live there?
"While marine #heatwaves occur naturally, the eye-popping sea temperatures recorded off the Keys this month (one reading hit 101 degrees Fahrenheit, or just over 38 Celsius) have been made worse by global warming, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The world’s oceans have absorbed 90% of the additional heat unleashed by people burning fossil fuels and razing forests. Currently, about 44% of the #global #ocean is in a #heatwave.
"The mass coral bleaching happening throughout the Keys is the most severe in the state’s history, Derek Manzello, the coordinator of NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch program, said. Surveys over the next few months are needed to understand how much coral has died.
"'I fear for the worst,' he said."
#Coral #OceanTemperatures #OceanHeating #ClimateGrief #CoralBleaching #Dieoff #Extinction #ExtremeHeat #WaterIsLife
#florida #coral #ClimateChange #heatwaves #global #ocean #heatwave #oceantemperatures #oceanheating #climategrief #coralbleaching #dieoff #extinction #extremeheat #waterislife
Struggling to find songs/lyrics angry enough for all my feels this week, but a winner emerges:
"The under-heel, the under-yoke
Breathe the gas to cough and choke.
Bleach out the oceans, castrate the wind,
Sterilize the blood so we die while we live.
"What we fear is what we pave,
So bury the planet in a concrete grave.
Say your prayers, cast your vote,
Place the predator's hands right around your throat."
I'm going to attend this zoom meeting today...i'm usually reticent to join big group things like this where I don't know anyone but opening up the discussion about #ClimateGrief and how it lives in our bodies is super important to me and hopefully I'll learn something. If nothing else, time spent in some kind of community setting talking openly about the very real psychosomatic effects of #ClimateChaos will help me feel less crazy.
Many more educated folks have already said it: #ClimateGrief lives in the body - even invisibly - as increased stress and anxiety, short-term memory problems, and potentially even autoimmune issues. This grief (all emotion, really) is not just something "in your head" - in fact there's no such thing. Your mind is your body, your body informs your mind. The damage being done to us on a cellular level by #ClimateChaos - as well as the big tragedies it causes - expresses as grief, fear, rage, depression, anxiety, numbing. This grief therefore needs to be addressed, spoken about, cared about, for its own sake. We need to acknowledge it, express it, share it, release it, communally. This isn't just some "woo" concept; this is neuroscience - when grief (and other emotions) are allowed to breathe & process, we create space for creative thinking, connectivity, solutions.
Anyone else feel sad when looking back on the lives we lived, and recognizing that those lifestyles are just not viable anymore (and really, never were)?
#ClimateGrief #globalwarning ing
Dancing, feasts and faith mark life on a vanishing island – #Tuvalu photo essay
#climategrief #globalwarning #tuvalu
I had a nightmare last night... I dreamt that I was at a research station monitoring arctic sea ice, and just.. a disaster happened and then all the sea ice was just .. gone. All that was left was the deep, dark depths of the Arctic ocean melted and bare. I was hugging my girlfriend as we cried, scared and unsure of what to do. And then she broke up with me because she was unable to deal with the climate loss.
I sat there just .. struggling to patch together my emotions, but all I could do was throw down a magazine I was reading as the news was replaying the footage of the last of the Arctic ice melting away, and all I could do was scream in agony.
And that's when I woke up ....
I am not okay.
@shrinkthinks I know some who are angry at the betrayal by care-less-ness of those who 'should' 've done better. I am sad that some avenues of service are now too problematic to pursue. I don't think I'd recognised this until seeing your toot (thank you).
I'm wondering how this might be intersecting with #climategrief too ...
@FantasticalEconomics @jgkoomey
I don't see it that way at all.
It may be helpful to realize that everyone is at a different stage of #climateGrief. Most are in denial ("it won't be that bad"), some are angry ("how dare you!"), many turn to bargaining ("if we just electrify everything"), or succumb to depression ("doomers"). Finally, some reach acceptance, and that's how I interpret texts like these.
I find it very helpful and comforting. It made me feel less alone and motivate me to action.
Very touching inaugural lecture "Stand up for the ocean" given by @erikvanSebille on the role of scientists in the face of the #ClimateCrisis, incl. #activism, #climateAnxiety, #climateGrief & the Ocean (without 's') as a great starting point for #SciComm
#scicomm #climategrief #climateanxiety #activism #ClimateCrisis