The wording is defensible, but still confusing. Just to clarify: 66 years old, carrying mail 40 years is what the 40 years seems to imply.
This doesn't make it less bad, but I just wanted to make it clear, since there's a little difference between someone who's 66 keeling over from heat and someone 40 doing so.
The way things are going, you'll want to wait until next week for the 40-year-olds to be falling. (Only half-kidding. These are scary times. This temperature stuff seems untethered from anything we can compare to in the historical record.)
And yes, this is anecdotal and not statistical. That's offered mostly just to make the stats seem less abstract. But the statistics say we're way outside the norms. Here's an interesting way to view that which came up over at the bird site recently:
#ClimateHeat #Climate #Texas #Heat #Ocean #SeaSurfaceTemperature #Temperature
#climateheat #climate #texas #heat #ocean #seasurfacetemperature #temperature