Und wnn kapieren es die #klimaidioten von den rechtskonservativen und neoliberalen Parteien endlich mal? Heizungen werden garantiert nicht unser Problem sein in den nächsten Jahrzehnten. Co2 schon. Wie traurig, ein Armutszeugnis für den Westen, die Menschheit und unsere Wirtschaftssysteme.
#climatehorror #Klimahorror #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel
#klimaidioten #climatehorror #klimahorror #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel
Last year,my work and travel took me to South-Eastern Europe. This year, I said "I'll go North because I don t want to see 50°C and I believe we're hitting this in this summer in South Europe." Not 100% free from sarcasm that was, but it seems #flogw is still valid. #climatehorror #ClimateBreakdown #climatecatastrophe
#flogw #climatehorror #climatebreakdown #climatecatastrophe
I heard about torrential floods in Germany. That sucks. Up here at 60N it feels Mediterrenean already. Remember : these are the coldest years of the rest of your life. #climatehorror
I am actually currently sitting at the same distance to Oslo as I am from Svalbard. Thus here are the color codes of #climatehorror for Spitsbergen;
Canada is on fire, and big oil is the arsonist.
Governments need to represent us, not fossil-fuel profiteers. We need plans to phase out fossil fuel production and emissions
We know exactly which fossil fuel companies are robbing us of clean air and a secure future. We can now measure which oil companies are responsible for wildfires (13 operate in Canada), but oil executives are still calling the shots.
Tzeporah Berman in the Guardian
#CanPoli #StopOil #climatehorror