These #protesters are now at the center of a maddening, often unexamined #reality of the #climatecrisis: that around the world, #governments dole out more consequences for the people who #protest #climateinjustice than they do for the people who #perpetrate it.
Imagine what the planet would look like if we treated real #climatecriminals this way.
#protesters #reality #climatecrisis #governments #protest #climateinjustice #perpetrate #climatecriminals #Kleptocracy #taxbillionairesoutofexistence
David Wallace Wells on wildfire smoke and the climate crisis
#wildfires #WildfireSmoke #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Health #ClimateInjustice #DemocracyNow
#wildfires #wildfiresmoke #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #health #climateinjustice #democracynow
We all pay the price for how the established system of the world is destroying the planet 🌍 We can all do better and we can do it together, right? Rant over 🤠✌️💚
#climateinjustice #noplanetb #wecandobetter #nomusiconadeadplanet #protestsign #climateprotest #climateaction #climateactivism #klimastreik #fridaysforfuture #klimastrejke #klimastreik #savetheplanet #greendreamer #saveourplanet #juststopoil #activism #sustainable #oildependency #climatechange #klimaschutz #cleanearth
#climateinjustice #noplanetb #wecandobetter #nomusiconadeadplanet #protestsign #climateprotest #climateaction #climateactivism #klimastreik #fridaysforfuture #klimastrejke #savetheplanet #GreenDreamer #saveourplanet #JustStopOil #activism #sustainable #oildependency #climatechange #klimaschutz #cleanearth
Happy New Year!
There are many reasons for wealthier folks to focus on the REDUCE action of the #Recycling cycle in 2023. Each returned gift consumed resources and likely contributed to #ClimateInjustice. Donate or join your local #GiftEconomy instead of returning!
Consumerism, Environmental Degradation, And Their Disproportionate Effects On Women | Feminism in India
#recycling #climateinjustice #gifteconomy
We really need to talk more about this and who the real criminals are.
RT @benking01
Until recently, I hadn't really thought about private jets, as their existence was very much out-of-sight for me. Now these activists are bringing into the spotlight the #ClimateInjustice at the heart of the #ClimateEmergency and I'm grateful for that.
#climateinjustice #climateemergency