#12uur #dag4
#ExtinctionRebellion #A12
En wel hierom.
'Klimaatverandering kan desastreuze gezondheidseffecten hebben' https://nos.nl/l/2477696
#a12 #extinctionrebellion #Dag4 #12uur #climatejustice
De wereld staat in de fik
En ik zou het willen blussen
Maar het vuur is groter dan ik
En het kan anders, ik weet dat het kan
Met geloof en een wil en een wet en een plan
Ik wil een toekomst, en jij wil het ook
Of je blijft blind, want waar vuur is, is rook.
Froukje Veenstra
#A12 #12uur #Dag3 #ExtinctionRebellion
#Maandag #ClimateJustice
#climatejustice #maandag #extinctionrebellion #dag3 #12uur #a12
New study finds that renewable energy will cost the super-wealthy, not the rest of us. The study shows that the top 10 per cent of income earners are responsible for 52 per cent of global emissions. Therefore, a sustainable energy transition would require them to bear most of the costs while benefiting most people and the planet.
#renewableenergy #superwealthy #climatejustice
"The task ahead is immense: According to the report, global emissions need to be slashed 43 percent by 2030 to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, one of the main goalposts of the Paris agreement...
Among its recommendations, the report unapologetically calls for “phasing out all unabated fossil fuels” and for a “radical decarbonization of all sectors of the economy.”
#ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
#climateemergency #climatejustice
Yesterday 2400 (i don't now if that's the correct number though) people were removed from the #A12 block ( at The Hague, #Netherlands by XR. and dropped somewhere outside town. Some were taken in custody.
Many many thousands of people supported nearby (and online 🤓 ).
But not a thing from the government. The demissionairy minister of Climate and Energy had a little visit, and said that we need change. But still there are no plans for that change....
So today the demonstration and block of the A12 continues.
#A12Blokkade #ClimateJustice #StopFossieleSubsidies
#a12 #Netherlands #a12blokkade #climatejustice #StopFossieleSubsidies
Grootverbruikers fossiele energie verkrijgen jaarlijks € 37.500.000.000,- in de vorm van kortingen, belastingvoordelen, vrijstellingen of gunstige belastingtarieven. Dit staat haaks op het behalen van de klimaatdoelstellingen.
Daarnaast een oneerlijk marktvoordeel tov MKB (die wél volle mep betalen). Ook verstoort het de markt voor ontwikkeling van duurzame en toekomstbestendige producten. Kortom; niks liberaals aan het subsidie-infuus voor fossiele bedrijven.
#climatejustice #a12blokkade #a12
"These are communities that have contributed nothing to #ClimateChange, but they’re the ones staring, literally, into the face of the #ClimateCrisis."
In the Horn of Africa, a #Climate-Fueled #Food Catastrophe Looms | Georgina Gustin https://undark.org/2022/12/19/in-the-horn-of-africa-a-climate-fueled-food-catastrophe-looms/
#climatechange #climatecrisis #climate #food #climatejustice
Why Urban Canopies Are Growing as Key Climate Infrastructure
To mitigate increased urban heat and air pollution, cities enlist their trees and forests.
#climatejustice #Climate #Environment #urban
#urban #Environment #Climate #climatejustice
Stop met #demonstratierecht #a12 te ondermijnen.
Zorg voor #climatejustice
Bij wet
Kan met gemak betaald worden uit je
37.500.000.000 € #fossielesubsidies
#a12 #demonstratierecht #fossielesubsidies #climatejustice
#climatejustice ???
Forget it
Demonstreren bij het leven.#A12
En nóóit meer op rechtse rakkers stemmen
Met dank aan @argosonderzoekt
Next to the A12 blockade, at the support demo, you can find the @ScientistRebellion_NL and @sciforfuture_NL stall with information about the climate emergency. You can find out how to get involved in the climate movement as a scientist, academic or scholar to #stopfossielesubsidies #climatejustice #ScientistRebellion #sciencenotsilence
#stopfossielesubsidies #climatejustice #scientistrebellion #sciencenotsilence
@extinctionrebellionnl More pictures from professors and support demo #climatejustice #ScientistRebellion #sciencenotsilence
#climatejustice #scientistrebellion #sciencenotsilence
Anyone have a suggestion of a good Mastodon #server for ResearchForTheFrontLines.ca?
We're a #grassroots organization that provides #research support to communities and movements fighting for environmental and #climate justice across Canada.
#server #grassroots #research #climate #environment #climatejustice
Ich würde ja humane Intelligenz bevorzugen, die endlich konsequent die notwenigen Maßnahmen gegen die Klimakrise umsetzt!
#Klimakrise #Klimawandel #ClimateJustice https://ard.social/@tagesschau/111029075531901892
#klimakrise #klimawandel #climatejustice
Diese Rechnung können wir direkt an die #IAA, Autokonzerne, ihre Aktionär*innen und Politiker*innen weitergeben. Wie? Mit gerechten Steuern für (Super-)Reiche auf Vermögen, Erbschaft, Einkommen. #blockIAA #ClimateJustice #MakePollutersPay
#iaa #blockiaa #climatejustice #makepolluterspay
Eg trudde spørsmålet om kompensasjon i internasjonal klimapolitikk framleis berre vart diskutert i heilt marginale fora, men no har UiO fått eit stort EU-stipend for å forske på det: https://www.sum.uio.no/english/research/news-and-events/news/2023/erc-starting-grant-reparations-felix-stein.html
Wir sind dabei - beim Berliner Klimatag am Sa, 9. September auf dem RAW-Gelände.
Der Klimatag ist Berlins größte Veranstaltung zum Klimaschutz und wir sind schon gespannt auf das vielfältige Programm, das uns erwartet: Diverse Aussteller*innen, die sich für ein klimagerechteres Berlin einsetzen, Workshops, Vorträge und Diskussionen, Performances wie Theater und Poetry Slam, Bezirkskiezgipfel, Kinderprogramm, Streetfood und Getränke - das klingt vielversprechend.
Seid ihr auch dabei?
Calling all scientists and academics! Scientist Rebellion is joining the People vs. Fossil Fuels-led march to end fossil fuels, along with a coalition of many climate groups across the country on September 17th in New York City. Scientists and other academics, join the Scientist Rebellion contingent and march with us! This is an urgent call to action. Every person counts - we need massive turnout to turn things around!
Date: Sunday, September 17th
Time: 12-1pm line up. March starts at 1pm. Rally ends at 4:30pm.
Location: Meet at 56th & Broadway
This is not just another protest. This is a powerful movement of change, and we need your presence to make a resounding impact and show that scientists and academics across the country support these demands, based on the clear scientific evidence. Together, we will send a clear message to our world leaders – especially President Biden – that it's time to put an end to the era of fossil fuels and invest in a clean and sustainable future for all.
To find more information about the march and how to get there, please go to: www.endfossilfuels.us and linktr.ee/scientistshub
Let's march together for a fossil-free world!
@SRTurtleIsland #ecology #climatescience #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice @ScientistRebellion
#ecology #climatescience #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatejustice
In Nairobi treffen sich bis morgen afrikanische Staats- und Regierungschefs und 20.000 Delegierte zum #AfricanClimateSummit. Mit dabei sind Jugenddelegierte aus unseren Projekten sowie Mitarbeitende unseres Regionalbüros.
„Ich freue mich auf die Gespräche mit anderen jungen Menschen und den politisch Verantwortlichen. Wir müssen aber auch dafür sorgen, dass das, was gesagt wird, umgesetzt wird“, sagt unser Delegierter George Kande (17, Zambia).
#afrika #klimakrise #climatejustice #acs23 #africanclimatesummit