MikeDF · @lycophidion
131 followers · 645 posts · Server birds.town

The Case of Steven Donziger: Supreme Court Liberals Help Turn Judges into Prosecutors

"The U.S. justice department had declined to prosecute Donziger, so the judge in his case, Lewis Kaplan, appointed Chevron’s attorneys to prosecute him – how’s that for judicial bias? By the way, Chevron’s gripe against Donziger? He won a $9.5 billion judgement in 2011 against the company for oil pollution in Lago Agrio, Ecuador decades earlier."


#climatecrisis #climatejustice #fossilfuel #climatejusticerocks #extinctionrebellion #ecosocialism #systemchangenotclimachange #environmentalism #indigenousrights

Last updated 2 years ago

MikeDF · @lycophidion
125 followers · 617 posts · Server birds.town