The usual line from the #DirtyEnergy spokespeople elected to parliament is that Australia is too small a player for Oz energy policy to make any significant contribution to #ClimateDisruption.
It's always been a lie. Australia has always punched above its weight when it comes to climate responsibility, having the largest fossil fuel resources per capita in the world.
For years, courts have even largely accepted the government's 'drug dealer' defence when it comes to approving new coal and gas projects ("if we don't sell it, someone else will, who doesn't even have our standards!").
But if you want to see the lie laid bare, check this story. The mere possibility of temporary industrial action at a single Australian dirty energy company is already having global impacts on gas markets.
#Auspol #DirtyEnergyDirtyPolitics #climate #Woodside #ClimateLies #BlowingSmoke
#dirtyEnergy #ClimateDisruption #auspol #dirtyenergydirtypolitics #climate #woodside #climatelies #blowingsmoke
They want you to believe the #earth is melting
#Earth #climatechange #globalwarming #climatelies
Americans are being lied to constantly about 'climate' #AP #climatelies #propaganda
Americans are being lied to constantly about 'climate'