Help! Please repost! 🖖
Looking for #cartoon on #climatechange where first half explains how we thought people would react: you were right, we will now better owpour ways
And second part shows how people actually react: being angry and blaming and so on.
I have searched and searched because it is so telling, but can't find it.
Here are some other #ClimateCrisis #memes attached
#climateBreakdown #climateBreakdown #ClimateLiteracy
#cartoon #climatechange #climatecrisis #memes #climatebreakdown #climateliteracy
The 1,000’s of scientists who study the earth systems have done their jobs. They have done the research, produced the papers, spelt out what is happening to our world as a result of our wanton burning of fossil fuels
summary of their latest work:
They have explained what we must do to cut emissions to avoid worst case scenarios. They have described what adaptation actions must be taken for the changes we cannot avoid.
Why isn't #climateliteracy a priority?
"... the science standards for middle-school students in more than 40 states include only a single reference to climate change. In hurricane-plagued Florida, middle-school science standards make no reference to climate change at all."
U.S #K12 #science #teachers. Excellent, free resources for teaching students about #climatechange and the current #climatecrisis. #STEMeducation #fediscience #climateliteracy
#k12 #science #teachers #climatechange #climatecrisis #stemeducation #Fediscience #climateliteracy
For U.S Gr 6-8 #science #teachers. Teaching about #oceans & #sealevelrise?
Here's an easy to do, short, #physics experiment to demonstrate ocean expansion
due to warming.
No bunsen burner needed.
#fediscience #STEMeducation #climatechange #climateliteracy #teachclimate
#science #teachers #oceans #sealevelrise #physics #Fediscience #stemeducation #climatechange #climateliteracy #teachclimate
Hey #LosAngeles teacher wanting to teach #ClimateLiteracy? Here is a database of cool lessons to teach your students:
#LAUSD #ClimateLiteracy #UTLA #Teacher
#losangeles #climateliteracy #lausd #utla #teacher
Dies sind bemerkenswerte und äußerst wichtige Daten, die gestern auf der #COP27 vorgestellt wurden.
Mithilfe von Satelliten können wir jetzt sehen, woher die weltweiten Emissionen kommen. Es gibt keinen Platz mehr zum Verstecken.
Die Daten zeigen, dass die Treibhausgasemissionen von Öl- und Gasanlagen etwa dreimal so hoch sind wie von den Produzenten behauptet!
Wer hätte das gedacht.
#climateliteracy #climatecrisis
Originaltweet von @peterdutoit
#cop27 #climateliteracy #climatecrisis
I'm a scientist interested in how academics can be most effective in #SciComm and #PublicEngagement.
I'm also a physical oceanographer and use the public's amazement, excitement and awe for the #ocean to support #climateliteracy in order to combat #plasticpollution and the #climatecrisis.
I'm a Fellow within the #OpenScience programme at Utrecht University and board member of #DeJongeAkademie (Young Academy) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
#DeJongeAkademie #openscience #climatecrisis #plasticpollution #climateliteracy #ocean #PublicEngagement #scicomm #introduction