Terwijl je zou denken dat slecht nieuws goed verkoopt.
Blijkbaar moet het niet tè slecht en ingewikkeld worden.
This Saturday there are climate marches taking place across the UK to coincide with COP27: https://climatejustice.uk/cop27/. I've seen them mentioned by orgs such as Cycling UK (https://www.cyclinguk.org/blog/why-cycling-uk-marching-during-cop27), Christian Aid and Tear Fund.
To my shame I'm not a prolific march-goer, not least because I never know anyone else who is going. So... do I know anyone who is going? Particularly to London, I guess.
Not sure of the hashtags, but let's try #COP27 #GlobalDayofAction #climatemarches #climatechange
#cop27 #GlobalDayofAction #climatemarches #climatechange