Last year HU reduced GHG emissions by 7% compared to 2021. This is a 37% reduction compared to 1990. We are on the way to being #climateneutral!
RT European Research Executive Agency
Buildings & roads re-emit the sun's heat more than natural landscapes, creating heat islands in cities
With record-breaking temperatures in Europe we need #ClimateResilient urban areas
EU-funded research is delivering #MissionCities: 100 #ClimateNeutral cities by 2030 🏬
#ClimateResilient #MissionCities #climateneutral
💰💰62 Mrd für's Klima - in Österreich jedes Jahr 💰💰
💸 Wie lässt sich so viel Geld und noch mehr für #Klimaneutralität und #Kreislaufwirtschaft mobilisieren?
#klimaneutralitat #kreislaufwirtschaft #climateaction #climateneutral #greenfinance #Circularity
At Salzgitter AG, one of 🇩🇪 largest steel producers, to see how they are preparing for #climateneutral production: The switch to low-CO2 crude-steel production will be realised by a new #hydrogen-based route to steelmaking. Decarbonization of hard-to abate sectors is possible!
RT @KadriSimson: At Salzgitter AG, one of 🇩🇪 largest steel producers, to see how they are preparing for #climateneutral production: The switch to low-CO2 crude-steel production will be realised by a new #hydrogen-based route to steelmaking. Decarbonization of hard-to abate sectors is possible!
❄️ Fernkältenetz - Kälte aus der Leitung ❄️
☀️ Der #Sommer steht vor der Tür! 😎
Gerade in den Städten macht das aber immer öfter keine Freude. 😥🌇
💡 Eine gute, klimaschonende #Kühlung ist da gefragt. Seit 15 Jahren liefert Wien Energie über ein eigenes #Fernkältenetz Kälte in die Stadt. Die Climate Lab Community konnte nun eine der 5 #Kältezentralen besuchen.
#sommer #kuhlung #fernkaltenetz #kaltezentralen #climateaction #energie #netzero #climateneutral
Procurers and Suppliers had a productive face-to-face meeting in Bonn, Germany. See more details here:
#H2020 #EUGreenDeal #renovationwave #nearzero #climateneutral
#H2020 #EUGreenDeal #renovationwave #nearzero #climateneutral
Was macht @WienEnergie 💡eigentlich im #ClimateLab 🔬?
Um die #Energiewende voranzutreiben braucht es starke Partnerschaften 🤝über Sektorengrenzen hinweg und natürlich viel Innovation.
Ob beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien, in der Geothermie 🌋, beim Wasserstoff oder in Sachen Kreislaufwirtschaft 🔄- Wien Energie setzt wichtige Schritte auf dem Weg zur #Klimaneutralität.
#Energiewende #ClimateAction #ClimateNeutral
#climatelab #Energiewende #klimaneutralitat #climateaction #climateneutral
@EU_Commission @EP_Regional @europeanregions @EU_EESC @EESC_PRESS @EU_CoR @ElisaFerreiraEC €92 billion to transform our regions and cities, boost sustainability and climate resilience.
#CohesionPolicy leads the change as a key contributor to the #EUGreenDeal.
Get ready for a 2050 #Climateneutral future!
#CohesionPolicy #EUGreenDeal #climateneutral
🌻Good News fürs Wochenende!😎🌻 Damit ihr mit guter Laune durchs verlängerte Wochenende kommt, haben wir ein paar Meldungen zusammengestellt, die Hoffnung machen.
Bei der Solarenergie🌞 bewegt sich derzeit eine ganze Menge. Auch bei der Speicherung gibt es Erfreuliche Nachrichten aus Österreich🎈 und China🔋. Bei der Windkraft🌬️ macht der Blick nach Norden Mut.
#Energiewende #ClimateAction #ClimateNeutral
#Energiewende #climateaction #climateneutral
RT @EuroGeoSurveys: Find out how @EU_FPI & @EU_Growth promote sustainable and responsible mining. Policy dialogues between the EU and Latin America, and the Caribbean contribute to #ClimateNeutral and map #RawMaterials.
✅ Video 👉
✅ Press release 👉
🗓️Join us this Wednesday - #EurofoundLIVE webinar: Understanding the socioeconomic impact of the transition to a #climateneutral economy - and what is required to make the #EuropeanGreenDeal a reality - more info below & here:
RT @eurofound: 📢Delighted to announce that @Tagliapietra_S will speak at #EurofoundLive joint webinar - Understanding the socioeconomic impact of the tran…
#EurofoundLive #climateneutral #EuropeanGreenDeal
RT @euenvironment: 🗓️Join us this Wednesday - #EurofoundLIVE webinar: Understanding the socioeconomic impact of the transition to a #climateneutral economy - and what is required to make the #EuropeanGreenDeal a reality - more info below & here:
#EurofoundLive #climateneutral #EuropeanGreenDeal
California’s Water From the Toilet to the Tap
#Global3000 #atombomb #Hiroshima #LosAngeles #waterrecycling #Borholm # #Climateneutral #Mexico #GlobalTeen
#globalteen #mexico #climateneutral #borholm #WaterRecycling #losangeles #hiroshima #atombomb #Global3000
Partner Spotlight: 🛠️voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH♻️
In unseren Partner-Spotlights stellen sich unsere Partner und Community-Members vor und erklären, was sie bereits für's Klima tun, was sie noch tun wollen und was sie sich von der Partnerschaft mit dem Climate Lab erhoffen.
Diese Woche stellen wir High Performance Metals GmbH der voestalpine ins Rampenlicht🔦.
#circularity #climateaction #netzero #climateneutral
#Circularity #climateaction #netzero #climateneutral
RT @JochenFlasbarth: Last week Development Minister @SvenjaSchulze68 and I met with Kenyas President @WilliamsRuto and Foreign Minister @DrAlfredMutua to discuss the implementation of the 🇰🇪🇩🇪 declaration on #climate and #development. Great! Kenya goes #climateneutral 2030! 👏
#climate #development #climateneutral
RT @JochenFlasbarth
Last week Development Minister @SvenjaSchulze68 and I met with Kenyas President @WilliamsRuto and Foreign Minister @DrAlfredMutua to discuss the implementation of the 🇰🇪🇩🇪 declaration on #climate and #development. Great! Kenya goes #climateneutral 2030! 👏
#climateneutral #Development #Climate
Synergies for climate neutrality - @eumayors
“To achieve the EU mission of 100 #ClimateNeutral and #SmartCities by 2030, many of us are developing Climate City Contracts & investment plans encompassing all sectors.
Replication & complementarity of initiatives is key!”
Reducing #fluorinated gases&ozone depleting substances is essential for the fight against #climate change.But all new measure must be proportionate&sufficiently substantiated.The transition to a #climateneutral economy must be fair in all aspects-I told @TimmermansEU @europarl_en
#fluorinated #climate #climateneutral
⏳#Razpisi v vrednosti 70 mio💶za #MissionCities so odprti le še do 27. aprila!
Ne odlašajte s prijavo svojega projekta!
Sodelujte pri ustvarjanju 100 #ClimateNeutral & #SmartCities do leta 2030!
Več ℹ:!rGCVJv
#Razpisi #MissionCities #climateneutral #smartcities