A clip with Thomas Sheridan explaining why those youths that are being told the world will end, the ones with #climatepanic, often have a dead stare in their eyes. #climatezombies 🧟♂️ 🧟♀️
You have empirical proof that climate change is no problem? You're faced with university cancel culture! #climatepanic #communism
Here she is on Facebag, commenting on the short clip that aired on the show. Her name is Estella Brasier. She appears to be a believer in #ClimateEmergency. #climatepanic 🌞 @adam https://www.facebook.com/estella.renee.52/videos/pcb.196176941386564/196176388053286/?type=3&theater
#climateemergency #climatepanic
Friday 27 september, people in #GitmoLowlands will be demonstrating to support the government, to ask it to do more than it's already doing to make our lives miserable. Love the poster.
#climatepanic #carbonfootstamping
#gitmolowlands #climatepanic #carbonfootstamping
The City of Utrecht has declared a 'Climate Emergency', following other cities like Sidney, London, Paris, Haarlem and Amsterdam. #virtuesignalling #climatepanic https://www.ad.nl/utrecht/utrecht-roept-in-navolging-van-andere-steden-klimaatnoodtoestand-uit~a80c2db3/?referrer=https://t.co/askqtUZK6s
#virtuesignalling #climatepanic
"Do you feel manipulated?"
#climatepanic #climate #perceptionmanagement
#climatepanic #climate #perceptionmanagement