1.5°c #ClimateFail
#todayprogramme INTERVIEW: https://cloud.disroot.org/s/LFz9gsrDb3EbqMi
with Prof. Sir Robert Watson. #tyndallcentre
"I am pessimistic that 2°c will be met."
We do not need more #climatepledges but more #climateactions
#NoPlanetB #NoHayPlanetaB
#climatefail #todayprogramme #tyndallcentre #climatepledges #climateactions #climateemergency #noplanetb #nohayplanetab #xrElders
#CofE divests of #FossilFuels as #oil and #gas firms ditch #ClimatePledges - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/22/c-of-e-divests-of-fossil-fuels-as-oil-and-gas-firms-ditch-climate-pledges #ClimateCrisis #BigOil #BigGas #Sustainability
#sustainability #biggas #bigoil #climatecrisis #climatepledges #gas #oil #fossilfuels #cofe
❌ Dozens of world’s largest firms ‘failing’ to deliver climate pledges, report finds
Companies such as Samsung, Amazon and Nestlé are on course to miss their own targets to combat global warming and are making “misleading” claims
#climatechange #globalwarming #climatepledges
Major corporations still polluting despite climate pledges
#climatecrisis #climatechange #Apple #Google #Microsoft #net-zero #climatepledges
#climatepledges #net #Microsoft #Google #apple #climatechange #climatecrisis
"Our planet is still in the emergency room," Guterres said. "We need to drastically reduce emissions now and this is an issue this COP did not address."
Luckily #COP27 didn't turn out to be a complete waste of time & money but it revealed, current world leaders are far away on agreeing on/ implementing solutions to #climatechange . It’s disappointed & failed our youth. They deserve better #ClimateAction #cop27egypt #SaveOurPlanet #climatepledges #ClimateCrisis #Climate
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #climatepledges #SaveOurPlanet #cop27egypt #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #cop27
After a long night of negotiations, talks have run into an extra day between the nearly 200 countries at the UN's COP27 summit in Egypt. They're aiming to try to reach an agreement on the next steps for tackling climate change, but there are deep divisions, largely between rich and poor countries.
Here's a breakdown of what's gone on so far:
#cop27egypt #COP27 #climate #climatepledges
#climatepledges #Climate #cop27 #cop27egypt
Despite not being the most cost-effective source of energy, #Coal, the dirtiest #FossilFuel, is both the largest emitter of energy-related #CO2Emissions and the largest source of energy generation, especially in developing countries.
There's simply no way to meet our #NetZero #ClimatePledges as well as the #ParisAgreement's 1.5°C, without getting rid of coal and replacing it with #RenewableEnergy.
According to #IEA's executive director Fatih Birol: "Global #CoalEmissions are the key challenge for reaching #ClimateTargets. If nothing is done, #CarbonEmissions from existing #CoalPlants in power & industry alone would tip the world over the 1.5C limit" (Link to his tweet: https://twitter.com/fbirol/status/1592398027150397440?s=20&t=b6qjB6uupxTcs-4VawBNUw)
For more, read IEA's Coal in Net Zero Transitions: https://iea.li/3hFOX0s
#coal #fossilfuel #co2emissions #netzero #climatepledges #parisagreement #renewableenergy #iea #coalemissions #climatetargets #carbonemissions #coalplants
Nations are placing an unrealistic demand on land to fulfil climate pledges, which could severely hamper food production
#land #climatepledges #foodproduction
Source : Business Insider
#foodproduction #climatepledges #land