@CadeJohnson @davidho that’s what @kathhayhoe says. We shouldn’t turn our noses up at any potential assistance to reduce #CO2. It’s probably too late for a pure solution so she says we say yes to everything. The difference #CDR/#CCS as offered by the #fossilfuel industry and David’s position is that it will never be effective enough to offset the huge amount of #ClimatePollution. Effectively more lies from #exxonknew and tribe. We should be putting our money and effort into #ElectrifyEverything and investing in #renewableenergy as it will save a humungous more CO2 now than waiting for new technology or investing in #nuclear to be a saviour in the future.
#co2 #cdr #fossilfuel #climatepollution #exxonknew #ElectrifyEverything #renewableenergy #nuclear
@RenewEconomyRSSFeed amazing. “[It’s] as though the clean, abundant natural gas we have is some kind of dirty pollutant,” said an incredulous Amanda Stoker on her Sunday program on Sky News. “This stuff is just madness.”
#Methane is harmless? It number 1 or 2 cause of #ClimatePollution depending on whether maximum short term damage CH4 or maximum long term damage CO2.
@elonjet burn that #fossilfuel! No point being a billionaire if you can’t make your make on the world! #ClimatePollution will be a mark that stays for hundreds if not thousands of years.
@RenewEconomyRSSFeed I imagine that the #FossilFuel lobby is frothing at the mouth over the thought that Japan, a total importer of energy, could kick the #ClimatePollution habit. If Japan can do it why can’t everyone?
#fossilfuel #climatepollution #renewableenergy
@HyL hopefully we will see something like this in #australia. We don’t charge enough royalties and we pay billions to billionaires so can perpetrate #ClimatePollution. Now there is a subsidised surge in fracking in the #BeetalooBasin.
#fossillfuels #auspol
#australia #climatepollution #BeetalooBasin #fossillfuels #auspol
‘Your heart races a bit’: US weather man threatened with death for mentioning climate crisis https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/16/chris-gloninger-tv-weather-man-climate-crisis?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other noticed and appreciate the increasing reporting of the causes of weather particularly extreme weather on the @ABC should we expect the same from AU conservatives when public needs to be aware of the consequences, and the cause, of #ClimatePollution
#ClimatePollution #Canada #ClimateChange #AirPollution: "To illustrate how Canada is doing compared to our peers, I dug up the same "everything except electricity" emissions data for the rest of the Group of Seven (G7) nations. Collectively, these wealthy industrialized nations emit one-third of global climate pollution and produce half the world's GDP. This is the group that has the resources and capacity required to lead the climate fight.
As my next chart makes clear, we are embarrassingly in last place and heading in the wrong direction.
Germany, in contrast, has done the best in this group. What most people know about Germany's climate efforts is their multi-decade push to clean up their electricity sector — known as Energiewende. But the resulting huge electricity emissions cuts aren't even included on this chart. This chart only shows what they've done with their climate pollution in the rest of their economy — which is to reduce it by more than a third since 1990.
Our Commonwealth peers in the United Kingdom (U.K.) are close behind them. They are also best known for cutting coal from their electricity generation. But again, this chart ignores that and shows they cut emissions by more than a third across the rest of the economy."
#climatepollution #canada #ClimateChange #airpollution
An alternative approach to stopping the extraction of fossil fuels could be the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is certainly a way to get governments to engage actively about leaving pre-sequestered carbon in the ground.
#fossilfuels #climatecrisis #co2pollution #ClimatePollution #climatechange
#fossilfuels #climatecrisis #co2pollution #climatepollution #climatechange
@RGBes always these short term disaster scenarios. First, fossils generate more waste than solar panels by clear orders of magnitude. Second, science is always evolving techniques to solve problems so the recycling of solar panels will be solved so there is no need to do a chicken little and declare the sky is falling. No, wait! The global heating and CO2 pollution is literally causing the upper atmosphere to fall! Maybe we should focus on that.
#ClimatePollution #co2pollution #greenhousegas #fossilfuels #climatecrisis
#climatepollution #co2pollution #greenhousegas #fossilfuels #climatecrisis
@gmoke @Sheril the urgency to take action in the midst of the #climatecrisis doesn’t really cut through to the policymakers. A concerted campaign of ads and media snippets similar to conservative election messaging might help. The goal is to make it acceptable to cut subsidies to fossil fuel companies and for industry to transition. It needs to be urgent and it needs to be simple to cut through. Without getting the public to understand that something needs to be done now, policymakers will just cruise on.
#co2pollution #ClimatePollution #fossilfuels #FossilFuelSubsidies
#climatecrisis #co2pollution #climatepollution #fossilfuels #fossilfuelsubsidies
@RichForrest2 subsidies should go too. #co2pollution #ClimatePollution #fossilfuels #climatecrisis
#co2pollution #climatepollution #fossilfuels #climatecrisis
@mark_ohe everyone is getting to experience this horrible situation. Australia, the worst coast of North America, Europe, probably Siberia (though who would know?) and soon most probably everywhere. But still we subsidise fossil fuel companies.
#fossilfuels #co2pollution #ClimatePollution #wildfires
#fossilfuels #co2pollution #climatepollution #wildfires