A talk with PhD candidate Edson Silva about about one of the newest tools in our predicting arsenal, an algae bloom predictor. Trained on the coast of north #Norway, it can be a great support for managing our costs, but it can be retrained for usage anywhere: https://bjerknessenteret.podbean.com/e/predicting-algae-blooms-a-new-tool-in-our-arsenal/ #ClimatePrediction #AlgaeBloom #Climate #Research #Podcast
#podcast #research #Climate #algaebloom #climateprediction #norway
El Niño Watch Has Been Issued By NOAA, With Large-Scale Atmospheric And Oceanic Changes Now Being Detected As We Head For The Next ENSO Phase
https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/el-nino-watch-noaa-forecast-seasonal-weather-impact-summer-winter-united-states-canada-europe-fa/ <-- shared article
El Niño Watch Issued By NOAA's Climate Prediction Center
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/el-nino-watch-issued-noaa-climate-prediction-weather/ <-- shared media article
El Niño Disrupts the Marine Food Web
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/86895/el-nino-disrupts-the-marine-food-web <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #global #marine #extremeweather #elnino #elniño #ecosystems #remotesensing #climate #climateprediction #weather #climaterisk ##ElNinoWatch #ecosystem #currents #cooling #warming #water #thermocline #nutrients #foodsupply #foodweb #MODIS #drought #hurricanes #SouthernOscillation
NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | NOAA National Ocean Service | NOAA Fisheries##
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #global #marine #extremeweather #ElNino #ecosystems #remotesensing #climate #climateprediction #weather #ClimateRisk #elninowatch #ecosystem #currents #cooling #warming #water #thermocline #nutrients #foodsupply #foodweb #modis #drought #hurricanes #southernoscillation
Since I joined before the burst, here's a more proper #introduction.
I am a climate scientist and professor at Texas A&M University. I am interested in the philosophy and practice of climate modeling. I have written a general interest book on climate prediction and I blog occasionally at Metamodel.blog
As George Box said, all models are wrong, but some are useful. It is only by studying how models go wrong can one determine which are the most useful.
#climateprediction #Climate #climatechange #introduction