Juggling With Eggs · @JugglingWithEggs
2087 followers · 4404 posts · Server mstdn.social

Dutch climate protestors reaching critical mass in protests pleading with the government to stop subsidising fossil
fuels industry.

2400 arrests cannot be sustained.

People want fundamental change.

That change has to happen NOW.


#juststopoil #xr #thehague #climateprotests

Last updated 1 year ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
3361 followers · 3773 posts · Server mas.to
JuneSim63 💚 · @junesim63
930 followers · 4398 posts · Server mstdn.social

Rishi Sunak has confirmed that a fossil fuel-funded think tank helped to draft his government’s laws targeting climate protests.

Speaking at Policy Exchange’s summer party on Wednesday (28 June), the prime minister boasted that the think tank’s work “helped us draft” the government’s crackdown on protests.


#ukpolitics #policyexchange #RishiSunak #climateprotests #ClimateEmergency

Last updated 1 year ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
2883 followers · 3217 posts · Server mas.to
DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
2365 followers · 2589 posts · Server mas.to
DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
2246 followers · 2282 posts · Server mas.to
Ariadne · @ariadne
686 followers · 225 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"As resistance grows to the fossil fuel regime, laws are springing up everywhere to suppress climate activists - The climate crisis accelerates. Anti-protest laws proliferate. - These developments are not unrelated.
Why, despite all the warnings, does the world keep hurtling towards destruction? Well, the environmental economist Aviel Verbruggen estimates that the fossil fuel industry generated profits of US$2.8bn each and every day for the last 50 years.
You might have seen the new report by the World Meteorological Society, the one warning about humanity entering what UN secretary general António Guterres calls ‘“uncharted territory of destruction”. As emissions exceed pre-pandemic levels, the planet is now as likely as not to face temperatures more than 1.5C above pre-industrial measurements (the limit the UN COP26 summit pledged to avert) within the next five years.

A separate study in Science speculates that key ecological tipping points (including ice sheet collapses and the disruption of a major north Atlantic ocean current) may have already been passed.

The stakes could not be higher for the planet and its people. But they’re also immense for the corporate polluters, with the biggest companies collectively projected to develop new oil and gas fields to the tune of US$932bn by the end of 2030 – and an eye-popping US$1.5tn by 2040."

#climate #ClimateCrisis #surveillancestate #capitalism #climateprotests #fff #fossilfuels #bigoil #tippingpoints #greenland #greenlandicesheet #amoc #amoccollapse

Last updated 1 year ago

Tatteredstones · @Tatteredstones
50 followers · 462 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Steve Paradis · @SteveSilent
106 followers · 1467 posts · Server thecanadian.social

This is really a perfect example of hydrogen being used to delay decarbonisation. Germany switching from coal to fossil gas, predicated on the vague, non-specific promise of future hydrogen conversion, is a disaster of avoidable greenhouse gas emissions climatejustice.social/@ketan/1

#greenhydrogen #climatestrike #manifestationpourleclimat #climateprotests #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Paradis · @SteveSilent
105 followers · 1458 posts · Server thecanadian.social

If we want Liberal MPs to go to bat for the climate, we need them to feel that it’s their constituents’ top priority. That’s why we’re hosting a series of calling parties next week, phoning Leadnow members and helping them to leave voicemails with their Liberal MPs in support of an ambitious emissions cap. act.leadnow.ca/emcap-pb/

#climatestrike #manifestationpourleclimat #climateprotests #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Paradis · @SteveSilent
104 followers · 1454 posts · Server thecanadian.social
Steve Paradis · @SteveSilent
103 followers · 1439 posts · Server thecanadian.social

Mères au front: 39ème semaine devant les bureaux de . Nouvelle année , même demande: un avenir pour nos enfants. Ça requiert d’écouter la science et de répondre avec urgence! Une baisse de GES de 60% d’ici 2030. Rejoignez-nous! Toutes les semaines 11:30 770 Sherbrooke Ouest twitter.com/MeresAuFront/statu

#francoislegault #quebec #canada #climatestrike #manifestationpourleclimat #climateprotests #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Paradis · @SteveSilent
103 followers · 1390 posts · Server thecanadian.social

🐦 🧵 1/9.⚡️BREAKING⚡️: This morning @vanessa_vash , @GretaThunberg , @luisaneubauer and @SumakHelena spoke at the World Economic Forum ( ) in @Davos about and open letter to CEO's —signed by 850k+ people— calling on them to end the fossil expansion.

#wef23 #fossilfuel #davos #LossAndDamage #climateprotests #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Paradis · @SteveSilent
103 followers · 1390 posts · Server thecanadian.social
· @sheislaurence
155 followers · 452 posts · Server mastodon.green

@photosbyann @whatzaname Thanks! I really love this picture that was showcased in one of your exhibitions👇🏽 . Often there is either images of , or just . I feel the best is to show humans in and the tension that puts on that relationship. That picture illustrates it really well! ❤️ theexhibit.io/exhibition/earth

#climateprotests #climatecatastrophies #BeautifulNature #photography #nature #climatebreakdown

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Peace · @paulpeace
452 followers · 623 posts · Server mstdn.social

I hope the police will think about what matters most regarding climate protests: law or ethics? Which level of 'justice'. Micro civil inconveniences or planetary destruction. Who are the criminals? When police refuse to police it, change is afoot. They will play a crucial role.

#civildisobedience #policing #extinctionrebellion #ClimateAction #climateprotests #ethics #Justice

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Richardson · @jimrhiz
126 followers · 43 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The letter says: "This cease-and-desist notice is to demand that you immediately stop opening any new oil, gas or coal extraction sites, and stop blocking the clean energy transition we all so urgently need …

"Big Oil knew for decades that fossil fuels cause catastrophic climate change, misled the public about climate science and risks, [and] deceived politicians with disinformation sowing doubt and causing delay."

Meanwhile as the UK seeks new powers against climate protests, lawyers warn there is ambiguity in the definition of "serious disruption" and protest groups may be treated like proscribed or terrorist organisations.


#Lutzerath #gretathunberg #righttoprotest #climateprotests #juststopoil #ukpol

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Richardson · @jimrhiz
123 followers · 27 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"Sparking outrage from civil liberties campaigners, the government said it would be laying an amendment to the public order bill to toughen its crackdown on “guerilla” tactics used mainly by environmental protesters.

"It is intended to deal with protest groups’ changing tactics, such as slowing traffic to a crawling pace by carrying out walking protests through big cities …

"Martha Spurrier, the director of Liberty, said the new proposals are “an attack on our rights” that “must be resisted”. She added they “should be seen for what they are: a desperate attempt to shut down any route for ordinary people to make their voices heard”."


#righttoprotest #climateprotests #juststopoil #RishiSunak #ukpol

Last updated 2 years ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
1632 followers · 835 posts · Server mas.to
DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
1605 followers · 789 posts · Server mas.to