New first-authored #scientific #publication in @PNASNews with Edouard Bard (Collège de France and CEREGE)!
We revisit the #thermal bipolar seesaw using #PaleoTemperature records from the #IberianMargin!
#Science #Paper #FirstAuthor
#PaleoClimate #PaleoClimates
#ClimateChanges #AbruptClimateChange
#SeaSurfaceTemperature #SST
#ClimateProxies #GDGTs #RIOH #Alkenones #UK37
#NorthAtlantic #AtlanticOcean #Atlantic #Ocean
#AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation #AMOC (1/20)
#scientific #publication #Thermal #paleotemperature #iberianmargin #science #paper #firstauthor #paleoclimate #Paleoclimates #climatechanges #abruptclimatechange #seasurfacetemperature #sst #climateproxies #gdgts #rioh #alkenones #uk37 #northatlantic #atlanticocean #atlantic #ocean #atlanticmeridionaloverturningcirculation #amoc
What if celebrate #IWD2023 by featuring two recent #scientific #publications with female first authors and involving some of the #molecular #fossils that I studied during my #PhDThesis?
Robles et al. ( and Barhoumi et al. ( reconstructed past #temperatures using #pollen and bacterial membrane lipids named #brGDGTs.
Indeed, membrane plasticity adjustments to #environmental changes also yield complementary #ClimateProxies.
#iwd2023 #scientific #publications #molecular #fossils #phdthesis #temperatures #pollen #brgdgts #environmental #climateproxies #internationalwomensday
Happy New Year everyone!
It is time for my #introduction:
I am a #paleoclimate #scientist who also is an expert on #biomarkers as #ClimateProxies. In other words, I study past #climate using #molecular #fossils.
I am currently a #postdoc at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology - Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB).
In addition to boosting toots of interest, I will essentially toot my new #scientific #publications and other #scientific content.
#ECR #WomenInSTEM 👩🔬
#introduction #paleoclimate #scientist #biomarkers #climateproxies #climate #molecular #fossils #postdoc #scientific #publications #ECR #womeninstem
Badgeley et al investigate the relationship between paleo-elevation and temperatures inferred from ice core proxy records in Antarctica. They use an ensemble of climate models to find the uncertainty of temperature and to see if the elevation changes can be deduced at the location of the ice cores. They find that standard deviation is on the order of over 300 m, meaning that it is unlikely that paleo-elevation can be reconstructed. #Paleoclimate #ClimateProxies #IceSheets
#IceSheets #climateproxies #paleoclimate
My good friend Nick Scroxton leads this study presenting a composite speleothem d18O proxy record from Flores, Indonesia, which extends back to 56,000 years ago. They find that the rainfall in Flores responded to some Heinrich Events, producing wetter conditions. The record also shows that the rainfall is affected by insolation changes. #paleoclimate #ClimateProxies