Hey there!
#climate #ClimateJustice #climatediary #Climatepsychology and #ClimateCrisis folks -
this is Climate Psychology Alliance of North America's new mastodon account -
There seem to be some CPA-NA bots and impersonators out there - but this is really us!
Please follow!
#climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateDiary #climatepsychology #ClimateCrisis
#ClimatePsychology of #ClimateChange
If the majority of adults did comprehended that they live in an ecological system, that would surely mean that the majority would choose the realistic ecologically sustainable options.
Humanity maybe many things, it's not generally suicidal ( AKA ecocide)
"If" Climate change is rooted in the majorities ignorance & unethical behaviours, to them, the right choices are unknown unknowns. AKA not consciously aware.
Can the next gen be better decision makers?
#climatepsychology #climatechange
It's almost like "failure" is a taboo word in a world of wish-based thinking, #climate moral grandstanding & #greenwashing.
As if not talking about the reality that human society is evidently failing to mitigate #ClimateChange will somehow improve our chances of preventing the horror show that is to come.
Human society has already failed to mitigate climate change. But, there are levels of failure we can tolerate.
Do people learn when they realize their mistakes?
#climatepsychology #climate #greenwashing #climatechange
Delighted to be a part of this event.
BPS Cross-Network Climate Emergency and Psychology Engagement Event: Establishing the priorities for Psychology
Date 2nd June 2023
Time 11.00 am - 3.00 pm (BST)
Registration link- https://www.bps.org.uk/event/bps-cross-network-climate-emergency-and-psychology-engagement-event-establishing-priorities
#climatecrisis #climatechange #climatepsychology #climateemergency
Wow, das Interview mit der #Klima-Psychoanalytikerin Sally #Weintrobe ist toll!! Merci fürs Teilen und @hrust fürs Boosten.
Sie erklärt ua., wie jeder, der weitermacht wie bisher, ein Klimaleugner ist. Stimme zu!
Aber wir beide stülpen unbewusst unsere jetzige Wertvorstellung über alle Menschen: dass doch gewiss jeder Mensch eigentlich keinem anderen in echt wehtun will.
Aber das ist leider nicht so.
Die Culture of Uncare, von der sie spricht, ist ja eben tief verwurzelt und nicht nur eine kürzlich erst angeeignete Patina. Ich glaub sogar, dass das Not Caring die ursprüngliche Culture aller Hominiden ist. Die Patina des umfassendeRen Carings ist noch ganz neu, dünn und brüchig. Outgroup und INgroup spricht sie ja auch an. Dass der Trend bei ner wachsenden MInderheit ist, alle Wesen zur eigenen Ingroup zu zählen, ist halt neu. Und nein: auch Indigene rechnen nicht alle Wesen zur Ingroup:
Man isst Fleisch und Fisch, man erschlägt Feinde.
#Psychoanalyse #Climate #ClimatePsychology #Psychologie #KlimaPsychologie #Klimaleugner #ClimateDenial
#klima #weintrobe #psychoanalyse #climate #climatepsychology #psychologie #klimapsychologie #klimaleugner #climatedenial
The Dascinating Science of How We Think Not With The Brain But With The World https://www.themarginalian.org/2022/03/22/the-extended-mind/ #environment #mentalhealth #climatepsychology #self #climate
#environment #mentalhealth #climatepsychology #self #climate
How to Talk About Climate https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/01/22/climate-deniers-are-victims-not-villains-a-psychologists-guide-to-winning-them-over #climate #climatepsychology #ClimateChange
#climate #climatepsychology #ClimateChange
Grateful today for a friendly heads- up that there was a last minute free slot on a #ClimatePsychology training course I've been eager to attend.
It's lovely when others share opportunities 🙏 #Grateful2023
#grateful2023 #climatepsychology
I am on the media committee at Climate Psychology Alliance NA and am thrilled to be volunteering with a organization with a deep mission and heart
#climatepsychology #climatejustice #ClimateCrisis
RT @KataNylen@twitter.com
Finally we have launched our first newsletter. Do you feel psyched out about dealing with the climate crisis? Subscribe with us to read about #climatepsychology, #resilience impact and how to start feeling psyched up about the climate transition. http://climatepsyched.substack.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KataNylen/status/1517124887252553728
#climatepsychology #resilience