Nederlandse media negeren aankaarten racisme tijdens Klimaatmars #decolonisation #climatejustice #climateracism #racism #systemicoppression
#systemicoppression #racism #climateracism #ClimateJustice #decolonisation
19 JUNE #010 AT 13.00
#Rotterdam #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateMarch #ClimateRacism #ClimateJustice #Decolonisation #demonstration
#demonstration #decolonisation #ClimateJustice #climateracism #climatemarch #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #rotterdam
19 JUNE #010 AT 13.00
#Rotterdam #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateMarch #ClimateRacism #ClimateJustice #Decolonisation #demonstration
#demonstration #decolonisation #ClimateJustice #climateracism #climatemarch #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #rotterdam
19 JUNE #010 AT 13.00
#Rotterdam #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateMarch #ClimateRacism #ClimateJustice #Decolonisation #demonstration
#demonstration #decolonisation #ClimateJustice #climateracism #climatemarch #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #rotterdam
19 JUNE #010 AT 13.00
Join us for the Decolonial Anti-racist Bloc at the Climate March on June 19!
We stand together as a collective voice uniting movements for racial and climate justice against white supremacy, exploitation and supremacy culture. We will stand together at the Climate March on 19th of June as a decolonial anti-racist bloc. Join us!
In the following posts in this thread you find information about many of the groups who participate.
The groups:
- Aralez
- Free West #Papua
- Kaikoesie
- Mabikas Foundation
- We Promise
- #Queer Rotterdam
- Nederland Bekent Kleur
- Platform Stop Racisme
- Demned
- Groningen Feminist Network
- Erasmus School Of Color (ESOC)
- Black EUCSA
- Rotterdam #BIJ1
- Stop The War On Migrants
- Comité 21 maart
- @CodeRood
- Decolonize Groningen
- @doorbraak
- #XR 010
- Rhythms Of Resistance
- Sudanese Democratic Forum
- Fossil Free Culture
#Rotterdam #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateMarch #ClimateRacism #ClimateJustice #Decolonisation #demonstration
#demonstration #decolonisation #ClimateJustice #climateracism #climatemarch #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #rotterdam #XR #aseed #BIJ1 #kozp #Queer #papua
Wir haben heute eine Absage an die fossile Gasindustrie erteilt!
Must watch video from Stichting Aralez, produced by Chihiro Geuzebroek.
*Klimaatalarm - Wat voor zin heeft protest? / Climate Alarm - Why protest?*
"Too often the climate protest message centers white hopes and white dreams of energy transition, while erasing the histories of colonial eco-genocide and experiences of trauma and aspirations of decolonization and reparations to heal all our relations.
In this video we reframe the name of the game with Raki Ap, Thandeka Kramer-Wolf, Ally KM, Chautuileo Céline Kun, Leana Boven, Florian Wolff
#climateracism #gaskolonie #freewestpapua #afrikaansvluchtelingencollectief #shellmustfall #landback #greenjobs #climatecareuprising #culture #reciprocity #inspiration #activism #klimaatalarm #fossielvrij #tellthetruth #systemchange "
#ecoGenocide #colonization #decolonization #imperialism #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #capitalism #AntiCapitalist
#AntiCapitalist #capitalism #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #imperialism #decolonization #colonization #ecoGenocide #systemchange #tellthetruth #fossielvrij #Klimaatalarm #Activism #inspiration #reciprocity #culture #climatecareuprising #greenjobs #Landback #shellmustfall #afrikaansvluchtelingencollectief #freewestpapua #gaskolonie #climateracism
*Environmental Racism with Chihiro Geuzebroek*
Feb 4 18h30-20h UTC+01
"CLIMATE RACISM THEN & NOW: In this talk we will reflect on climate disruption as a colonial crisis and discuss what the current challenges are from a racial justice concern. We will look at erasure of colonial history of ecocide, Indigenous led struggles, ecofascism and addressing the #icantbreathe call to action.
There will be a lot of room for questions and discussion from the audience.
Chihiro Geuzebroek is a trainer, organizer artivist advancing perspectives and practices to restore and restory the relationship with earth and each other. She co-founded the decolonial organization Aralez, gives training around anti-oppression strategy within climate movement and produced climate justice film,spoken word and short video’s. She worked for Greenpeace, with Milieudefensie and in grassroots organizations such as Code Rood, Fossil Free Culture, trained Fridays for Future Youth EU and organized trainings with Climate Liberation Bloc."
#ClimateJustice #climateracism #icantbreathe Ja, #klimaatracisme bestaat. Het lijkt me alleen maar logisch om de mensen die er het meest onder te leiden hebben te betrekken bij een mogelijke oplossing. Zij hebben zelf geen schuld aan de klimaatverandering. #climatechange #climateracism
#ClimateChange #climateracism #klimaatracisme