Norway’s oil fund, one of the world’s largest investors, will vote against a resolution calling on BP to adopt tougher greenhouse gas targets. The resolution, filed by the activist group Follow This, urges BP to align with the Paris climate deal’s goal to limit global warming. The fund's decision, built on oil and gas revenue, has been criticized by environmentalists who say it undermines Norway’s climate leadership.
#norwayoilfund #bp #climateresolution
Appreciating the focus here by NPR and Julia Simon on #systemschange AND #behaviorchange. Yes and yes. “Many people are focusing on how to reduce their #carbonfootprint for next year — such as taking one less flight or eating less meat. We have advice on how to set climate resolutions for 2023.” #climateaction #climateresolution #newyearsresolution #carbonfootprint #plantbaseddiet
#plantbaseddiet #NewYearsResolution #climateresolution #ClimateAction #carbonfootprint #behaviorchange #SystemsChange